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Патоморфологія печінки коней, інвазованих збудниками параскарозу та стронгілятозів

Institutional Repository of Zhytomyr National Agroecological Universit

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Title Патоморфологія печінки коней, інвазованих збудниками параскарозу та стронгілятозів
Creator Згозінська, О. А.
Згозинская, О. А.
Zghozinska, O.
Subject параскароз
Description Гельмінти здійснюють механічне та токсичне ушкодження тканин хазяїна під час проникнення як статевозрілих паразитів, так і міграційних форм. Ступінь прояву морфофункціональних змін залежить від інтенсивності інвазії та тяжкості патологічного процесу. У макро- і мікроскопічній будові печінки за параскарозної та стронгілятозної інвазій виражені зміни її гістоархітектоніки (розлади мікрогемодинаміки, дискомплексація печінкових пластинок, набряклість цитоплазми гепатоцитів).
Гельминты осуществляют механическое и токсическое повреждение тканей хозяина во время проникновения как половозрелых паразитов, так и миграционных форм. Степень проявления морфофункциональных изменений зависит от интенсивности инвазии и тяжести патологического процесса. В макро- и микроскопическом строении печени при параскарозной и стронгилятозной инвазии выраженные изменения ее гистоархитектоники (расстройства микрогемодинамики, дискомплексация печеночных пластинок, отечность цитоплазмы гепатоцитов).
The liver is a major gland of external secretion in animals. During the life of animals there are going on many complex biochemical processes in it. The liver secretes bile, neutralizes poisonous to the body substances, synthesizes urea, uric acid and is a repository of glycogen and vitamins. Hepatocytes are involved in the processing and distribution of substances that are absorbed in the intestines and fall into the blood of the portal system; provide the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, hormones; neutralize toxic compounds. The liver plays an extremely important role in protecting the body from toxic compounds of inorganic nature coming from intestines, alkaloids, products of rotten transformation of proteins in the guts that are neutralized in the form of compounds with sulfuric acid and glucuronic acid. By synthesizing urea in the liver, ammonia is depleted. Alien proteins inserted into the portal vein are also delayed by the liver. The liver takes an active part in the development of pathological processes in the body and adaptive reactions in response to penetration of parasites. Since the liver performs metabolic functions necessary to maintain homeostasis and vital activity of the host, then this particular organ is strongly affected by the acute phase of helminthiasis. Sexually grown worms and larvae, when they enter the host’s body, carry out mechanical and toxic damage to their tissues. Products of metabolism of parasites are antigens and cause the development of inflammatory reactions. Helminths in the host’s organism cause a wide range of immune reactions, the nature and
mechanism of which can be specific. The degree of manifestation of morphofunctional changes depends on the invasion intensity and the severity of the pathological process. In the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver for parasarosis and strontigular invasion, there are pronounced changes in its histoarchitectonics. In the pathologic-anatomical study of the horses’ liver infested with mixed nematodes (parasarosis + strontigulatosis), a small increase of the organ, flabby consistency, uneven coloration of the liver surface with areas from dark brown to light-clay color are established. Lobulation of the organ was preserved, at the same time, the fuzzy separation of parenchyma into lobules was noted due to insignificant amount of perched-sided connective tissue. In most cases, the borders between the hepatic plates are clearly expressed. Hepatocytes are contoured, their cytoplasm is gently grainy, the nucleus is clear, contained mainly in the center of hepatocyte. However, in some sites,
the discomplexation of the liver plates was detected. The central veins in such cases were not noticeable.Hepatocytes had a polygonal shape, well-painted nuclei. However, often due to stagnant events, in the liver of sick animals the hepatocytes’ cytoplasm was swollen.
Date 2017-12-07T13:44:48Z
Type Article
Identifier Згозінська О. А. Патоморфологія печінки коней, інвазованих збудниками параскарозу та стронгілятозів / О. А. Згозінська // Проблеми зооінженерії та ветеринарної медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 35, ч. 2 : Вет. науки, т. 2. – С. 55−58.
Language uk
Publisher Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія