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Social sector in a transformed agriculture: case of Ukraine

Institutional Repository of Zhytomyr National Agroecological Universit

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Title Social sector in a transformed agriculture: case of Ukraine
Creator Zinovchuk, V.
Зіновчук, В. В.
Subject аграрна сфера
agrarian sphere
розвиток сільських територій
rural development
соціальний сектор
social sector
соціальні служби
social services
комунальні підприємства
communal enterprises
громадські організації
public organizations
Description Market transformations of Ukraine’s agrarian sector have radically changed its quantitative and qualitative haracteristics. At present no one can flatly assert that the
above transformations have produced a visual beneficial effect, for their effectiveness
may only become evident in the future. However, a radical change of the state’s role, its refusal to fulfill the functions which are not characteristics of the market economic system, the restructuring of the collective farms and the fact that they no longer exert profound influence on the rural life organization is the process which can not stopped. It requires an adequate revision of the mechanisms of meeting ever increasing needs of the agricultural producers and other representatives of rural society. A system analysis of rural dwellers’ social needs and wants testifies to the law-governed nature of appearance of new rural organizations and principal alteration in the role of existing ones. Both of them are to create qualitatively new institutional environment for social sector of rural Ukraine.
Date 2015-05-28T10:51:48Z
Type Article
Identifier Zinovchuk V. Social sector in a transformed agriculture: case of Ukraine / V. Zinovchuk // Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development. – 2007. – Vol. 8. – P. 195–204.
Language en
Publisher Aleksandras Stulginskis university, Lithuania