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Психолого-педагогічні принципи формування у здобувачів середньої спеціальної освіти наукового спрямування комунікативно-наукової компетентності

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Психолого-педагогічні принципи формування у здобувачів середньої спеціальної освіти наукового спрямування комунікативно-наукової компетентності
Psychological and Pedagogical Principles of Formation the Communicative and Scientific Competence in Students of Secondary Specialized Education
Creator Калмикова, Лариса Олександрівна
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
37.02 General questions of didactics and method
377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
81 Linguistics and languages
Description Статтю присвячено висвітленню психолого-педагогічних принципів, керівництво якими в закладах середньої спеціалізованої освіти наукового спрямування забезпечує ефект у педагогічній діяльності вчителів. До них належать: 1) комунікативний; 2) когнітивний; 3) соціокультурний; 4) градуальності; 5) єдності навчання мови та розвитку мовлення; 6) опори на алгоритми наукового мовлення та науково-мовні моделі; 7) цілісності лексико-граматичної будови комунікативно-наукової діяльності; 8) зіставлення та
диференціації одиниць мови науки в процесі мовленнєвого вибору під час наукової комунікації.
The article is devoted to highlighting the psychological and pedagogical principles, the guidance of which in institutions of secondary specialized education of a scientific direction (hereafter SSESD) provides teachers with an effect in their pedagogical activity.
These principles are based on theoretical positions formulated by scientists - linguists, under influence of which psychological and pedagogical theories of the principles of education and training were developed.
The psychological and pedagogical principles of formation the communicative and scientific competence in the students of the SSESD described in the article are the principles of the pedagogical activity of teachers, whose leadership will contribute to the successful implementation of the standard of SSESD. Among these principles are the following: 1) communicative; 2) cognitive; 3) socio-cultural; 4) gradation; 5) the unity of language learning and speech development; 6) reliance on scientific speech algorithms and scientific language models; 7) the integrity of the lexical-grammatical structure of communicative-scientific activity; 8) comparison and differentiation of units of the language of science in the process of speech selection during scientific communication.
The identified principles of formation the communicative and scientific competence in students of the SSESD are based on the principles of speech development at various stages of human ontogenesis, which were formulated by L.P. Fedorenko, namely: the principle of attention to the matter of language, regardless of its functional orientation; the principle of understanding language meanings (lexical, grammatical); the principle of assessing the expressiveness of speech, stylistic expediency; the principle of language and speech sense development; the principle of coordination between oral and written speech; the principle of speeding up language learning.
According to these principles, the speech and language personality of the acquirer and the scientifically based means of the scientific language of its formation come to the fore. The focus is on the applicant who wants and can express his research ideas competently in a communicative and scientific sense.
The statement created by the applicant is his business card, which informs about the level of his formation as a communicative personality capable of speech communication in a certain field of science.
Publisher Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України
Date 2023
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Калмикова, Лариса Олександрівна ( <>) (2023) Psychological and Pedagogical Principles of Formation the Communicative and Scientific Competence in Students of Secondary Specialized Education Education and Development of Gifted Personality, 4 (91). pp. 33-39. ISSN 2309-3935