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Інтелект: поки що припущень більше, ніж конкретних відповідей

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Інтелект: поки що припущень більше, ніж конкретних відповідей
Intelligence: so Far More Assumptions than Concrete Answers
Creator Волощук, Іван Степанович
Шуленок, Олександр Сергійович
Subject 376.5 Виховання та освіта обдарованих дітей, вундеркіндів.
Description Першим запатентованим винаходом Т. Едісона був фонограф (1868 р.). Інші його винаходи включають вугільний мікрофон, телеграф, акумулятор, лампу розжарювання, електростанцію тощо. Його впровадження гнучкої целулоїдної плівки та винахід кіно-проектора допомогли розвитку кіно. Загалом, за свого життя Едісон запатентував 1093 винаходи. Що це? Дар Божий? Результат навчання? Чи інтелектуальні здібності, духовність, мотивація, вольові, естетичні, емоційні та енергетичні якості, разом узяті?
The first patented invention of T. Edison was the phonograph (1868). His other inventions include the carbon microphone, the telegraph, the battery, the incandescent lamp, the power plant, and more. His introduction of flexible celluloid film and the invention of the film projector helped the development of cinema. In total, Edison patented 1093 inventions during his lifetime. What is it? God’s gift? The result of training? Or intellectual abilities, spirituality, motivation, volitional, aesthetic, emotional and energetic qualities combined?
The pinnacle of the evolutionary development of living matter is man. Because it is she who is endowed with the ability to understand in full. It is not surprising that this ability, due to its uniqueness and importance, has earned a separate name. In ancient Rome, for example, the specified ability to understand objects and phenomena of the surrounding world was called the word intellectus. In Ukrainian, this term sounds like intelligence. As we can see, the mental phenomenon called intelligence originally outlined a person's ability to understand what is and is happening around him. Such an ability is necessary for a person to be able to successfully adapt to the conditions of the external environment. Retrospective analysis of research into the human psyche shows that for a long period of time the subject of psychological research was mainly mental processes, properties and states. Intelligence as a mental phenomenon began to be thoroughly interested only in the second half of the 19th century. Until that time, intelligence was mostly seen as something not understood, not known. Intelligence can also be considered as a social phenomenon. Without society, human intelligence would be significantly deformed, impoverished in its structure and external manifestations.
Publisher Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України
Date 2023
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Волощук, Іван Степанович ( <>) and Шуленок, Олександр Сергійович ( <>) (2023) Intelligence: so Far More Assumptions than Concrete Answers Education and Development of Gifted Personality, 4 (91). pp. 28-32. ISSN 2309-3935