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Андрагогічні аспекти професійного самовиховання сучасного вчителя

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Андрагогічні аспекти професійного самовиховання сучасного вчителя
Аndragogical aspects of professional self-education of the modern teacher
Creator Сотська, Г.І.
Тринус, О.В.
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Description Висвітлюється проблема професійного самовиховання вчителя у сучасному соціальному контексті. Розкрито сутність поняття професійного самовиховання вчителя як дорослої людини. Визначено андрагогічні принципи, врахування яких забезпечує ефективність вирішення вчителем завдань у процесі професійного самовиховання на різних етапах його професійної діяльності. Доведено, що професійне самовиховання сучасного вчителя пов’язане зі свідомим, систематичним професійним зростанням, саморозвитком, самовдосконаленням, визначенням власних індивідуальних життєвих й професійних перспектив.
The article highlights the problem of professional self-education of teachers in the modern social context. Its relevance and importance for the development of the national education sector are revealed. It is proved that the professional self-education of a modern teacher is connected with conscious, systematic professional growth, self-development, self-improvement, determination of one’s own individual life and professional perspectives.
The category «adult» is specified and the teacher’s affiliation to it is substantiated. It was found that the period of adulthood is the most favorable for the formation of the teacher’s personality and the implementation of his self-forming process. The andragogical principles of self-educational activity (awareness, purposefulness, independence and subjectivity, reliance on life experience, unity of self-education and professional activity) are determined. Taking them into account lets the teacher as an adult solve the tasks of continuous professional and personal growth. The highest levels of manifestation of the essence of teacher’s self-education at different stages of professional activity (professional adaptation, professional self-regulation, self-creation) are characterized.
It is emphasized that the professional adaptation of a young teacher is aimed at the formation and development of andragogical foundations of self-education, forming and developing of andragogical foundations of self-education, gaining experience in this activity. The content of the young teacher’s activity to master mastering the culture of self-education is revealed. The processes of professional self-regulation and self-creation of a teacher as an adult are the subject of the article. It is proved that the need for self-creation, the ability to self-regulation are indicators of his personal and professional maturity, the basis for ensuring the quality of pedagogical activities. It is concluded that the period of adulthood is the best stage for the teacher to realize his own initiative, self-management, achieving a specific professional goal.
Publisher Полтавський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти ім. М. В. Остроградського
Date 2020
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Сотська, Г.І. ( <>) and Тринус, О.В. ( <>) (2020) Аndragogical aspects of professional self-education of the modern teacher Image of the Modern Pedagogue, 4 (193). pp. 5-9. ISSN 2522-9729
10.33272/2522-9729-2020-4(193)-5-9 10.33272/2522-9729-2020-4(193)-5-9