Концепція «сродної» праці як дорога до щастя у філософії Г. С. Сковороди
Електронна бібліотека НАПН України
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http://pi.iod.gov.ua/images/pdf/2023_1/13.pdf 10.32405/2413-4139-2023-1(30)-18-24 |
Title |
Концепція «сродної» праці як дорога до щастя у філософії Г. С. Сковороди
The Сoncept of “Related Work” as the Path to Happiness in H. S. Skovoroda’s Philosophy |
Creator |
Ільїн, В.В.
Subject |
1 Philosophy. Psychology
Description |
У статті проаналізовано проблему «сродної праці», що була одним із головних пріоритетів філософії Григорія Сковороди. Запропонований українським філософом шлях до щастя полягає в «сродній праці». Підкреслено, що вона поєднує зовнішню і внутрішню натури людини, дозволяє пізнати себе, свою природу, бути спорідненим зі своїм ділом, перебувати з ним і загальною потребою у злагоді. «Сродна» праця є покликом серця і робить людину щасливою, а «не сродна» – смішна, негарна і шкідлива. Ідея «сродності» пов’язана у філософії українського мислителя з ідеєю мудрості. Вона веде до Бога, який є джерелом миру та щастя. The paper analyzes the problem of “related work”, which is one of the main priorities of Hrygoriy Skovoroda's philosophy. The Ukrainian thinker considered happiness as the main ethical category, which every person strives to achieve. Since the paths to happiness are different, not each of them necessarily leads to the desired goal. The path to happiness proposed by Hryhoriy Skovoroda consists in “related work”. It is emphasized to combine the external and internal nature of a person, allow knowing one’s inner nature, be related to one’s work, coexist with it and the general need for harmony. The philosopher is noted to have found his happiness in creative work, which he was engaged in throughout his life, and also in the improvement of the soul, in the knowledge of God, in freedom, and in love for people. His creative work was inspired by nature, which was freedom for him, knowing it he became wiser. Moreover, love to wisdom is the work in which the philosopher finds his relativeness. Finding one’s natural place in life is closely connected with one's own spirituality, with knowing oneself, and therefore the Divine within oneself. Each person should listen to the voice of their divine spiritual essence. H. Skovoroda defines the distinguishing difference between “related” and “nonrelated” work. “Related” work is the call of the heart which makes a person happy, while “unrelated” work is ridiculous, ugly, and harmful to society. Through the “relative” work, a person achieves the most important values, which are “peace” and “joy of the heart”. The idea of “relativeness” is connected with the idea of wisdom in the Ukrainian thinker’s philosophy. Therefore, it leads to God, who is the source of peace and happiness. |
Publisher |
Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України
Date |
Type |
PeerReviewed |
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Identifier |
- Ільїн, В.В. (orcid.org/0000-0003-0503-8545 <http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0503-8545>) (2023) The Сoncept of “Related Work” as the Path to Happiness in H. S. Skovoroda’s Philosophy Pedagogical innovation: ideas, realities, perspectives, 1 (30). pp. 18-24. ISSN 2413-4139 10.32405/2413-4139-2023-1(30)-18-24 |
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