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Analysis of technical solutions for the implementation of on-board energy storage on the electric stock

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Analysis of technical solutions for the implementation of on-board energy storage on the electric stock
Creator Sulym, Andrii
Lomonos, Andrii
Bialobrzheskyi, Olexii
Safronov, Oleksandr
Khozya, Pavlo
Subject 62 Engineering. Technology in general
Description Purpose. Analysis of existing technical solutions for management of energy exchange processes on traction electric stock with
on-board energy storage devices and search for the rational one among them. Research on energy exchange processes and estimation
of the amount of saved electricity during the application of various technical solutions.
Methodology. The work provides a comparative analysis of existing technical solutions for control of energy exchange processes
on traction electric stock with on-board energy storage devices. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the existing
technical solutions are formulated. The nature of the flow of energy exchange processes is determined and the amount of electricity
is estimated by directly connecting the on-board energy storage to the traction motors and through a static reversible converter
of controlled type for the specified operating conditions of the electric stock and accepted assumptions.
Findings. It is determined that a static reversible converter of controlled type with inductive or capacitive power dispensers is
the most rational and energy efficient device for controlling the charge and discharge processes of an on-board energy storage unit
on electric stock.
Originality. The theory of the use of energy storage devices on electric stock, which, unlike the existing ones, allowed determining
the amount of saved electricity for the cycle of “regenerative braking – acceleration of the train” depending on the type of
connection of the on-board energy storage and its energy intensity.
Practical value. It is found that the control of energy exchange processes in the energy storage system by applying a static converter
of controlled type is more rational. It is determined that for control of energy exchange processes on traction electric stock
with on-board energy storage devices, the most rational and energy efficient one is the use of current-reversed pulse-width converter
with inductive or capacitive power metering unit. The obtained research results can be used by industrial enterprises in the
design and creation of innovative electric stock in order to increase its operational characteristics.
Publisher Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro
Date 2020
Type Article
Format text
Language en
- Sulym, Andrii ( <>), Lomonos, Andrii ( <>), Bialobrzheskyi, Olexii ( <>), Safronov, Oleksandr ( <>) and Khozya, Pavlo ( <>) (2020) Analysis of technical solutions for the implementation of on-board energy storage on the electric stock Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 3 (177). pp. 59-66. ISSN 2071-2227