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Методика застосування кейс-методу у дослідженні енергоефективності будівельної галузі у професійній підготовці

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Методика застосування кейс-методу у дослідженні енергоефективності будівельної галузі у професійній підготовці
Сase method in the study of energy efficiency in the construction industry in professional training
Creator Пятничук, Т.В.
Subject 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
69 Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure
Description У статті акцентовано увагу на проблемі забруднення навколишнього середовища України у післявоєнній відбудові та у процесі виробництва будівельних матеріалів; здійснено аналіз праць науковців з проблем енергоефективності будівельної галузі; представлено напрями доцільного використання енергетичних джерел.
Визначено, що однією з умов розумного і доцільного використання енергетичних ресурсів є використання в професійній підготовці робітників-будівельників інтерактивних педагогічних технологій з вивчення енергоефективності будівельної галузі.
Introduction. For Ukraine, solving energy-saving problems largely determines the way out of the economic crisis. Maximum savings will make it possible to reduce dependence on countries supplying fuel and energy resources and reduce the energy intensity of national goods. The construction industry is the most energy-intensive sector in the national economy and has a significant impact on the energy intensity of the gross national product and the competitiveness of domestic goods in global markets. Reducing energy costs for the operation of buildings and structures affects the energy status of the state and the environmental parameters of the environment.
Purpose. The article aims to substantiate the feasibility of using the case method in the study of energy efficiency in the construction industry in the professional training of future workers.
Methods. Analysis of scientific works, normative documents, educational and methodological literature; comparison, systematization and generalization of data; empirical – observation, modelling of educational situations, interviews, and surveys were used.
Results. The analysis of regulatory documents and works of scientists on energy efficiency in the construction industry is carried out; the advantages of the case method implementation by teachers in the development of students' conscious attitude to environmental problems, responsibility for the consequences of professional activity, studying the directions of improving energy efficiency in the construction industry are highlighted; attention is focused on the need to introduce new and improve existing technologies in the production of energy-intensive building materials, products and structures, development and implementation of energy efficiency in the construction industry.
Originality. Substantiating the effectiveness of the development and implementation by educators of explanatory, descriptive, educational, single, test, and mini-cases in the study of energy efficiency in theconstruction industry in the professional training of workers.
Conclusions. The use of the case method in the study of energy efficiency in the construction industry in the process of professional training of future workers makes it possible to familiarize students with the situation in the country with energy efficiency, problems and their solutions in countries around the world, and ways to improve energy efficiency in the construction industry. The results of the case method implementation should be the development of students' conscious attitude to environmental problems, responsibility for the consequences of professional activities; formation of environmental culture and environmental thinking of construction workers, promotes students' motivation, individualization and intensification of the learning process and increase its effectiveness; development of student's personal qualities, skills of independent work with educational material.
Publisher Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка
Date 2023
Type Article
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Language uk
- Пятничук, Т.В. ( <>) (2023) Сase method in the study of energy efficiency in the construction industry in professional training Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. Педагогічні науки, 2 (52). pp. 96-102. ISSN 2410-0897
10.31376/2410-0897-2023-2-52-96-102 10.31376/2410-0897-2023-2-52-96-102