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Проектування хмаро орієнтованої методичної системи підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Проектування хмаро орієнтованої методичної системи підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї
Designing a cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum
Creator Мар'єнко, Майя Володимирівна
Subject 004.9 ІКТ ( Application-oriented computer-based techniques )
373 Kinds of school providing general education
378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Description Мар’єнко М. В. Проектування хмаро орієнтованої методичної системи підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї. – Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису.
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора педагогічних наук за спеціальністю 13.00.10 – інформаційно-комунікаційні технології в освіті (01 – Освіта/Педагогіка). – Інститут цифровізації освіти Національної академії педагогічних наук України. – Київ, 2022.
Проаналізовано сучасний стан педагогічних досліджень щодо використання і впровадження хмаро орієнтованих систем навчального призначення. У результаті вивчення психолого-педагогічної літератури виявлено ступінь розроблення проблеми у вітчизняному і зарубіжному освітньому просторі. Визначено окремі види діяльності, що є спільними для науковця так вчителя, й окреслено модель основних видів діяльності суб’єктів хмаро орієнтованої методичної системи підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї. Уточнено етапи проектування хмаро орієнтованої методичної системи підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї. Обґрунтовано модель хмаро орієнтованої методичної системи підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї. Визначено основні складники компетентності з відкритої науки. Розроблено хмаро орієнтовану методичну систему підвищення кваліфікації вчителів природничо-математичних предметів для роботи в науковому ліцеї, до складу якої входить: методика використання хмарних сервісів відкритої науки в освітньому середовищі школи; методика використання хмарних сервісів відкритої науки для вчителів природничо-математичних предметів у науковому ліцеї; методика використання хмарних сервісів EOSC для вчителів природничо-математичних предметів в науковому ліцеї у випускному класі. Аналіз результатів після формувального експерименту дав підстави дійти висновку, що розроблена методична система є ефективною, і це підтверджено статистично.
Marienko M. V. Designing a cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum. – Qualifying scientific work on the rights of manuscripts.
Thesis for the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences, in speciality 13.00.10 – Information and Communication Technologies in Education (01 – Education/Pedagogics). – The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2022.
The current state of pedagogical research by Ukrainian scientists regarding the use and implementation of cloud-based educational systems is analyzed. The main directions of pedagogical training of teachers in Western European countries are summarized, in particular: a combination of special, general education, psychological-pedagogical and practical training in the aspect of using cloud-oriented systems in scientific teacher education.
As a result of the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, the degree of development of the problem in the domestic and foreign educational space was revealed. It has been established that with the emergence of new types of specialized education institutions, additional demands are put forward for teachers to work in these institutions, which leads to the need to develop and introduce into the educational process methodical teaching systems based on the use of the latest cloud-oriented platforms, means and services for supporting scientific research in an open educational and research space. The combination of open science and cloud technologies opens up new perspectives for their use in the education and professional development of teachers.
The thesis considers the design models of the cloud-oriented system and analyzes the Ukrainian and foreign experiences of modelling cloud-oriented systems. The structure of the cloud-oriented system design models was studied, and the key blocks were considered. Depending on the set goal of the model, its structure is formed. The basis for design will be the main activities of a teacher and the stages of scientific research. Certain types of activities that are common to both a scientist and a teacher are defined. The classification of electronic computing resources of the cloud-oriented system of improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum was carried out. Depending on the chosen classification, the selection of electronic computing resources was carried out to create a model of a cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum. On the basis of the conducted research, a model of the main types of activities of the subjects of the cloud-oriented methodical system of improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum was developed and substantiated. The stages of designing the cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum have been clarified. The general model of the cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum is substantiated, which contains the following components: goal, the methodical system (basic level, middle, higher), competence in open science, base and result.
The competence of open science in a broad sense and as a component of the professional competences of a teacher of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum is considered. The main components of open science competence were determined and it was established that they can be divided into four categories. Ways of mastering competence in open science are proposed: through competitiveness and cooperation; use of open science cloud services; use and reuse of open data; implementation of the principles of open science not only among scientists, but also in the field of education.
A cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum was substantiated and developed, which includes: the method of using cloud services of open science in the educational environment of the school (basic level); method of using cloud services of open science for teachers of natural and mathematical subjects in scientific lyceum (middle level); the method of using EOSC cloud services for teachers of science and mathematics subjects in the scientific lyceum in the graduating class (higher level).
The analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment shows that there is a problem of improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum, which needs further solution through preliminary testing and implementation of a specially created cloud-oriented methodical system.
In order to find out the state of formation of open science competence and evaluate the effectiveness of using a cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum, ascertaining sections of the following components were performed: skills and work experience in their own disciplinary community and outside it; skills and experience in data research, management, analysis / use / reuse, dissemination. The purpose of the formative stage of the study was to check the effectiveness of the cloud-based methodical system of improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum and to compare the levels of formation of components of open science competence of experimental and control groups. Analyzing the results obtained after the formative experiment, it was concluded that the use of the cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum led to an increase in certain components of competence in open science among teachers. According to the statistical analysis of the obtained results, the reliability of the differences in the characteristics of the experimental and control groups after the experiment is equal to 95%. It can be concluded that the application of a cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum leads to statistically significant differences in the results of measuring competence in open science.
Date 2022
Type Thesis
Format text
Language uk
- Мар'єнко, Майя Володимирівна ( <>) (2022) Designing a cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum Other thesis, Інститут цифровізації освіти.