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Теоретичні і методичні основи підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів у коледжах художнього профілю до розвитку професійної кар’єри

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Теоретичні і методичні основи підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів у коледжах художнього профілю до розвитку професійної кар’єри
Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future designers in art colleges for the development of professional career
Creator Алєксєєва, С.В.
Subject 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
7 The Arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Architecture.
Description Алєксєєва С. В. Теоретичні і методичні основи підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів у коледжах художнього профілю до розвитку професійної кар’єри. – На правах рукопису.
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора педагогічних наук за спеціальністю 13.00.04 «Теорія і методика професійної освіти». – Інститут професійно-технічної освіти Національної академії педагогічних наук України, Київ, 2020.
У дисертації досліджено теоретичні і методичні основи підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів у коледжах художнього профілю до розвитку професійної кар’єри. Визначено суть і структуру поняття «підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів до розвитку професійної кар’єри»; обґрунтовано концепцію та методологічні підходи підготовки. Розроблено модель та методичну систему підготовки до розвитку професійної кар’єри у коледжах художнього профілю, визначено критерії, показники та рівні сформованості готовності майбутніх дизайнерів до розвитку професійної кар’єри. Узагальнено експериментальні дані, які доводять правомірність висновків щодо результативності методичної системи. Результати дисертаційного дослідження впроваджено в практику роботи коледжів художнього профілю, в яких здійснюється підготовка майбутніх дизайнерів за освітньо-професійним ступенем «молодший спеціаліст» («фаховий молодший бакалавр»).
Alieksieieva S. Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future designers in art colleges for the development of professional career. – On the rights of the manuscript.
Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialties «13.00.04 Theory and methodology of vocational education». – Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2020.
The dissertation deals with theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future designers in art colleges for the development of professional career.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time the author's concept of preparing future designers for the development of professional careers has been theoretically substantiated and developed. The concept is based on the provisions of leading methodological approaches, didactic principles, scientifically grounded selection of content, forms, methods, innovative technologies that will increase the level of readiness of future designers for the development of professional careers.
The pedagogical conditions of preparation have been substantiated. The first pedagogical condition – formation of motivation of success of success of future designers – provides formation of positive attitude to professional career, orientation on achievement of successful result, need for professional self-improvement. The second pedagogical condition – improving the content of future designers' training by a component of a professional career – makes it possible to improve the quality of future designers' training, both through the training material of general and vocational training disciplines and through the introduction of the author's program. Application of innovative technologies for preparation for professional career development is the third pedagogical condition, which is considered as orientation of educational process on cognitive activity of a student, his creativity, energy, professional perfection, formation of professional competences, general and professional abilities. The fourth pedagogical condition – the use of Internet communication tools (blog, chat, social networks, educational-information site, wiki-sites, educational platforms) – involves stimulation and support of future specialists, formation of socially demanded personality traits.
The model of preparation of future designers for the development of professional career has been developed. Such a model contains conceptual, content-technological, diagnostic blocks that reveal the componental structure of preparation for professional career development, systematic and purposeful character of this process in colleges of art profile.
The effectiveness of pedagogical system of preparation of future designers for the development of professional career has been developed, substantiated and experimentally tested. The pedagogical system of preparation is based on the principles of systematic, axiological, personal, competence, activity, cultural, and integrated approaches. Such pedagogical system is aimed at realization of goals, content of training, forms of organization of educational activity, methods, innovative pedagogical technologies.
The content of preparation of future designers for professional career development in colleges of art profile, technology of formation of motivation, knowledge and skills in the development of professional career, self-educational activity, diagnostic tools for assessing the level of readiness for professional career development.
It has been established that the effectiveness of preparation for a professional career is determined by the readiness of future designers for this process. In the structure of future designers' readiness for professional career development, the following interrelated components are distinguished: motivational (conscious and value-based attitude towards career realization), cognitive (set of professional, career-oriented, social, psychological, managerial knowledge), pragmatic (a set of general and specific skills required to achieve results) and reflexive (the ability to self-analyze, self-regulate and self-criticize). The criteria for determining the level of readiness of future designers for the development of professional careers, including motivational-emotional, cognitive-developmental, technological-activity, personal-volitional, have been developed.
Continued development of the concept of "preparing future designers for the development of professional careers" as an educational process for future designers to acquire career-oriented knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities necessary for future career-oriented professional activity.
The experimental data that prove the validity of the conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the pedagogical system of preparing future designers for the development of professional careers in art colleges have been generalized. The results of the dissertation research have been put into work practice in the art education establishments that train future designers.
Date 2020
Type Thesis
Format text
Language uk
- Алєксєєва, С.В. (2020) Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future designers in art colleges for the development of professional career Other thesis, Інститут професійно-технічної освіти.