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Формування економічної освіти у профільній школі в позакласний час

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Формування економічної освіти у профільній школі в позакласний час
Forming of economic education in a profile school in extracurricular time
Creator Покась, Лілія Антонівна
Cемчук, Богдана
Subject 33 Economics. Economic science
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description У статті акцентовано увагу на формування економічної освіти учнів старшої школи через зміст географії в позакласний час. Виділено умови залучення учнів до формування економічних знань.
Представлено апробовані методики інноваційних прийомів організації позакласної роботи та подано зразки заходів, які мають вплив на мотивацію до знань з економіки і гарантують досягнення навчальних цілей.
Виявлено ті інструментальні дидактичні можливості інноваційних педагогічних технологій у проведенні предметного тижня, які допоможуть реалізувати поставлені завдання в сфері пізнавальної діяльності учнів. Описано методичні можливості педагогічних інновацій у підвищенні рівня економічної культури учнів профільної школи. Доведено ефективність інноваційних педагогічних технологій у позакласній роботі предметів економічного спрямування як складника позитивної мотивації старшокласників щодо вивчення економіки.
Extra-curricular work in general secondary education institutions is a mandatory component of the educational school process. The article turns the spotlight on the formation of the economic education of senior school pupils through the content of Geography in out-of-school time. In order to modernize the content of extracurricular work on Geography, it is proposed to use innovative educational technologies as a necessary condition. The author’s own creative contribution confirms the positive impact of innovative technologies on increasing activity of the pupils in extra-curricular activities.
Organization of the educational process of extra-curricular work takes into account interests, inclinations, skills of senior pupils, their opportunities. The necessity of a knowledgeable economic base for the formation of professional competence of a young person in any field is substantiated. The place of the subject week in the educational process of the lyceum and gymnasium is determined. The conditions for attracting students to popularization of economic knowledge are highlighted. The aspects of comfortable conditions for the effective carrying out of out-of-school activities of economic content for the pupils of specialized schools in the context of Ukrainian education modernization are identified.
The effectiveness of innovative educational technology in extra-curricular work on the subjects of the economic direction as part of the positive motivation of senior school pupils to study the economy, as the way to enhance educational and cognitive activity is proved. Innovations are designed to combine educational text, sound, animation music and video, allowing you to put everything together and see a holistic view of the world. The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in conducting a subject week on Economy or Economic Geography is based on a person-centred, activity and system-structural approaches.
The field-proven patterns of innovative methods of organizing extra-curricular activities are presented and effective examples of measures that affect the motivation for knowledge in economics and guarantee the achievement of educational goals are demonstrated. Innovations are a new step in the future of geographical education. Innovations help the pupils to learn, creatively develop, explore, make progress, and the teacher – to improve teaching skills. Only holistically, through the content of educational material and the activity of both pupils and teachers, it is possible to form the pupils’ need for educational activity towards the economy in the conditions of an innovative developing environment. Overview of the peculiar combination of elements of economic knowledge with the content of the study of Geography subject through the introduction of interdisciplinary connections.
World-class innovative technologies appealing to the modern young generation are intended to optimize the quality of education and increase the interest of students. The new model of Ukrainian school education development, including Geography, is aimed at the formation of a well-rounded creative personality, who takes interest in the environmental issues. The instrumental didactic possibilities of innovative pedagogical technologies in conducting the subject week, which will help to realize the tasks in the cognitive, psychomotor and effective sides of pupils’ cognitive activity, are revealed. The methodological possibilities of pedagogical innovations in raising the level of economic culture of profession-oriented school pupils are described.
Publisher Видавничий дім "Гельветика"
Date 2020
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Покась, Лілія Антонівна ( <>) and Cемчук, Богдана (2020) Forming of economic education in a profile school in extracurricular time інноваційна педагогіка, 3 (21). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2663-6085