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Методичне забезпечення компетентнісного підходу в навчальному посібнику із фінансової грамотності

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Методичне забезпечення компетентнісного підходу в навчальному посібнику із фінансової грамотності
Methodical software competency approach in the financial literacy training manual
Creator Барадія, Н.Г.
Subject 33 Economics. Economic science
37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description У статті проаналізовано особливості формування фінансової грамотності студентів завдяки правильній організації методичного супроводу. Наголошено на неабиякій ролі методичного забезпечення у вирішенні важливого завдання – компетентнісного зростання молодого покоління в питаннях фінансової грамотності, а також виявлено перспективні аспекти щодо реалізації його методичного супроводу.
В статье проанализированы особенности формирования финансовой грамотности благодаря правильной организации методического сопровождения. Отмечено огромную роль методического обеспечения в решении важной задачи – компетентностного роста
молодого поколения в вопросах финансовой грамотности, а также выявлены перспективные аспекты по реализации его методического сопровождения.
The article analyzes the peculiarities of formation
of financial literacy due to the competent organization
of methodical support. The important role of methodical
support in solving such an important task as competent
growth of the younger generation in matters of financial
literacy was emphasized. The perspective aspects in the
implementation of methodical support in the formation of
financial literacy are revealed.
Educational and methodological software educational institutions are one of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process
and include teaching and methodological literature on
disciplines, textbooks, study guides, didactic and visual
materials, computer training programs and much more.
All programs and teaching aids in the Financial Literacy
course can be used for both the variation component of
curricula, as well as during elective classes and group
work. Objectives of subjects and courses of economic direction ensure the creation of conditions for social and
professional self-improvement, obtaining social experience that promotes active living and civic positions of the
graduate school.
Optional courses can be taught at the expense of
a varied component of the content of education to provide cognitive and educational needs of the education
provider and be used regardless of the chosen profile of
education and become relevant to school-leavers. Thus,
a flexible system of profile education is provided, which
provides students with an opportunity to choose an individual educational program.
Taking into account the urgency of forming the financial competencies of students, the introduction of the
course “Financial literacy” and its teaching and methodological support allows them to begin their formation
in primary school, continue in the main and finish in the
senior, ensuring continuity in their formation.
The success of student learning and the effectiveness
of the use of teaching aids by didactic tools essentially depends on the provision of this process by effective
means, in particular textbooks that must be modern. It is
thanks to the textbook that the goal and tasks of the curriculum are realized, and its content is displayed. At the same time, a modern textbook is a self-sufficient, universal teaching tool, one of the most important components of the teaching and methodological provision of a course at school, which should be not only a source of information, but also a factor in intellectual development and the formation of the basic competencies of students.
Publisher Рівненський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти
Date 2019
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Барадія, Н.Г. (2019) Methodical software competency approach in the financial literacy training manual Нова педагогічна думка, 3 (99). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2520-6427