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Вплив просторіччя на формування прізвиськ у соціогрупі "школяр"

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Вплив просторіччя на формування прізвиськ у соціогрупі "школяр"
Влияние просторечия на формирование прозвищ в социогруппе "школьник"
Tha influence of vernacular on formation of nicknames in social group "schoolchild"
Creator Чучвара, Адріана
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description Вербально-семантичний рівень у структурі мовної особистості школяра обґрунтовано за допомогою аналізу такої ознаки його мовної компетенції, як відповідність прізвиськ нелітературним формам. Матеріал для дослідження зібрано шляхом письмового опитування учнів 227 загальноосвітніх шкіл Львівської області. Неофіційний іменни́к респондентів із трьох типів населених пунктів – сіл, міст і містечок – розглянуто з погляду порушення орфографічних, лексичних, граматичних та словотвірних норм літературної мови (на прикладі 259 одиниць). Отримані результати важливі для практичних занять із соціолінгвістики, культури мови, соціальної ономастики.
The formation of informal names of a schoolchild as a representative of a particular social group, the members of which reside in different places, has not been studied sufficiently yet. In order to analyze it in the present article, the author applies the theory of speech ersonality. Verbal and semantic level in the structure of schoolchild’s speech personality is demonstrated through the analysis of his/her language competence, including the compliance of nicknames with non-literary forms. The purpose of the article is to provide rationale for the influence of on-literary forms of language on the formation of schoolchildren’s nicknames. The objectives are the following: 1) to research the names that correspond
to non-literary forms of language, in particular those, which are influenced by vernacular; 2) to trace the
performance of these units in informal names of schoolchildren in three types of settlements (village,city, and town). The data have been collected by questioning schoolchildren of 9-11 grades at 227 secondary
schools in villages, towns, and cities of Lviv region during 2009-2012. The answers of 2400 respondents listed 2,467 unofficial names. These are nicknames, shown in schoolchildren’s questionnaires, that make up quota representative set of respondents. Methods of research: descriptive, elements of quantitative analysis, and comparison. Informal names of a respondents from three types of settlements – villages, cities, and towns –
have been studied from the point of view of violations in orthographic (Бландінка, Дикар, Димарь,
Компютер, Тєма), lexical (Кошильок, Памєха, Патєря, Пожарнік, Йолочка), grammatical (Бадиль,
Макарон, Молдаван, Три метра, Чіпс), and word-formation (Асвальтоукладчик, Дальнабойщик, Локаторщик, Мультік, Старік) norms of literary language.
The analysis reveals distinctive features in the formation of names of village, town, and city schoolchildren. In particular, they are confirmed by the quantity of those nicknames that demonstrate connection with vernacular. It has been found that vernacular has a significant effect on non-official names of rural schoolchildren. Nicknames of this social group representatives show more deviation from
the norms of literary language nicknames as compared to those living in towns and cities.
The Russian language affects mostly the informal names recorded in the speech of schoolchildren from towns, not from cities or villages.
A characteristic feature of language situation in Lviv is that schoolchildren speak Ukrainian.
However, their sociolect includes Russian equivalents of Ukrainian words. Obviously, their introduction
to speech is stipulated, in addition to the impact of television, by the fact that the category of towns
includes settlements located around industrial plants, buildings, railway junctions, waterworks, resorts,
inpatient treatment hospitals, etc., where there are not only Ukrainian-speaking residents. Analyzed examples of using surzhyk elements do not give grounds for including these schoolchildren to the category of surzhyk speakers, but show that informal naming is a means of its spreading.
Linguistic parameter correspondence of nicknames to literary norms – non-literary forms makes it possible to research nicknames influenced by vernacular and favors the disclosure of verbal and semantic level of schoolchildren’s speech personality structure.
Publisher Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Date 2016
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Чучвара, Адріана (2016) Tha influence of vernacular on formation of nicknames in social group "schoolchild" Мова і суспільство, 7. pp. 85-92. ISSN 2227-5525