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Підручник «Біологія та екологія» як засіб формування екологічної складової наукової картини світу в старшокласників

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Підручник «Біологія та екологія» як засіб формування екологічної складової наукової картини світу в старшокласників
Textbook "Biology and Ecology" as a Means of Forming the Ecological Component of the Scientific Picture of the World of the Senior Pupils
Creator Гринюк, Оксана Сергіївна
Subject 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description У статті розкрита роль підручника «Біологія і екологія» як засобу, що сприяє формуванню екологічної складової наукової картини світу старшокласників, яка є умовою успішної самореалізації випускника школи в суспільстві. Доводиться, що ефективність формування екологічної складової наукової картини світу та екологічної компетентності учнів залежить від засвоєння ними цілісних знань про природу в умовах інтеграції змісту освітніх галузей «Природознавства», «Математики», «Мови і літератури» на основі загальних закономірностей природи, культури та довкілля.
The article describes the role of the textbook “Biology and Ecology” as a means of formation of the ecological component of the scientific picture of the world of high school pupils, which is a condition for successful self-realization of a school graduate in society. It is proved that the effectiveness of formation of the ecological component of the scientific picture of the world and the ecological competence of pupils depends on their mastering of holistic knowledge of nature in terms of integration of the content of educational branches «Natural Science», «Mathematics», «Languages and Literature» based on the general laws of nature, culture and environment.
The contemporary school textbook in biology and ecology should correspond to the requirements of time and perform multidimensional functions, which means not only mastering
knowledge, but also the acquisition of integration, systematization and self-control skills, the facilitation of the practical use of the gained knowledge and the development of research skills of pupils.
The contemporary textbook of biology and ecology should provide intra subject integration that enables the integration of the elements of the educational material and the formation of a sense of responsibility for students in preserving the diversity of flora and fauna on the planet and the rational use of nature, an understanding that man and nature must co-exist in harmony. Considerable attention should be paid to the ecological component of the scientific picture of the world of pupils. The textbook should not only acquaint pupils with the achievements of science, but also
promote the mastering of integral knowledge about nature during the pupils` creative activity — participation in discussions, modeling of the educational product, etc. At the same time it is necessary to provide pupils with the right to choose the theme of creative work (essay, project), forms of its implementation and representation, encouraging a personal view of the problem, its reasoned conclusions and self-esteem.
Owning integral, integrated knowledge leads to the education of citizens with a high level of intelligence, environmental competence, consciousness and culture on the basis of new criteria for estimating the relationship between human society and nature. This is exactly what should become one of the main vehicles of solving the burning environmental and socioeconomic problems of contemporary Ukraine.
Publisher Педагогічна думка
Date 2018
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Гринюк, Оксана Сергіївна (2018) Textbook "Biology and Ecology" as a Means of Forming the Ecological Component of the Scientific Picture of the World of the Senior Pupils Problems of a Modern Textbook (21). pp. 134-143. ISSN 2411-7447