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Життя та діяльність польського дворянина Фелікса Францовича Мовчановського (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ століття)

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Title Життя та діяльність польського дворянина Фелікса Францовича Мовчановського (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ століття)
The life and activities of the Polish nobleman Felix Frantsevich Movchanovsky (late XIX - early XX century)
Жизнь и деятельность польского дворянина Феликса Францевича Мовчановского (конец XIX - начало ХХ века)
Creator Шевченко, В.М.
Subject 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
376 Education, teaching, training of special groups of persons. Special schools
93/94 History
Description У статті автор висвітлює життя та діяльність польського дворянина Фелікса Францовича Мовчановського. Автор охарактеризовує постать, розкриває роль та його внесок у розвиток Олександрівська (сьогодні Запоріжжя). Автор зазначає, що весь свій талант організатора та нескінченну енергію він використав на розвиток цього невеликого повітового містечка.
The article deals with the life and work of Felix Frantsovych Movchanovskyi, the nobleman of Polish
origin. The author describes the figure of F.F. Movchanovsktyi from different positions, reveals his role,
importance and contribution to the development of Oleksandrivsk (now Zaporizhia).
The article states that to follow the life and work of Felix Movchanovskyi it is possible not only through
his positions, titles and awards, but through his actions and deeds being deputy mayor. This post he held
from late 1901 to 1911 and from 1916 to 1917. At that time all the questions concerning life, activity and
development of the city did not remain without attention of the city Council and administration, and
were not solved without their consent.
Therefore, analyzing the documents and materials we can state that our knowledge of this man is not
always reliable and not always correspond to the historical reality. There are many reasons for this fact:
ideological attitudes of the time, the bias of the authors, censorship considerations and others. However,
their objective description can shed light on some dark spots in the life of this figure.
The author notes that F. Molchanovskyi was a man of extraordinary intelligence and hard work. He
was also a gifted educator, historian, anthropologist, ethnographer, educator and social activist. He was
characterized by charity and mercy, he spent not only his spare time, but also own funds for it. Activism
was a matter of his life.
For the posts of Deputy chairmen of the city Council F.F. Molchanovskyi in different years was a member
of various committees, member and Chairman of various posts.
He used his organizing talent and endless energy for the development of a small county town. The city
developed in various sectors – industry, trade, urban planning, education, medicine and so on. However,
his name is mostly associated with the creation Oleksandrivska School – college-khutor for deaf – in a
provincial small village in the early twentieth century. It was a unique institution in the national and
global pedagogical practice. And it has no analogues today
В статье автор освещает жизнь и деятельность польского дворянина Феликса Францевича Мовчановського. Автор характеризирующих фигура, раскрывает роль и его вклад в развитие Александровская (сегодня Запорожье). Автор отмечает, что весь свой талант организатора и бесконечную энергию он использовал на развитие этого небольшого уездного городка.
Publisher Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка
Date 2017
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Шевченко, В.М. ( <>) (2017) The life and activities of the Polish nobleman Felix Frantsevich Movchanovsky (late XIX - early XX century) Pedagogical education: theory and practice, 1/1 (22). pp. 247-251. ISSN 2309-9763