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Українська психологія на шляху реалізації дитиноцентрованого підходу до шкільної освіти (перше десятиліття ХХІ ст.)

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Українська психологія на шляху реалізації дитиноцентрованого підходу до шкільної освіти (перше десятиліття ХХІ ст.)
Ukrainian psychology on the way to the implementation of a ditinocentric approach to school education (the first decade of the 21st century)
Украинский психология на пути реализации дитиноцентрованого подхода к школьному образованию (первое десятилетие XXI в.)
Creator Дічек, Наталія Петрівна
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description У статті узагальнено внесок українських психологів у розвиток психолого-педагогічного обгрунтування запровадження дитиноцентрованої освіти в незалежній Україні. Висвітлено
теорію раціогуманістичної освіти (Г. Бал), засади генетичної психології (С. Максименко), стратегіальну теорію творчості (В. Моляко), тривимірну модель психологічної структури
особистості (В. Рибалка) та результати практичної реалізації цих ідей e шкільній освіті.
The article summarizes the contribution of Ukrainian psychologists to the development of psychological and pedagogical substantiation of child-centеred education in independent Ukraine. The theory of rational humanistic education (H. Ball), the genetic-psychological concept (S. Maksymenko), the strategic theory of personality creativity (V. Moliako), the three-dimensional personality model (V. Rybalko) and the results of the practical implementation of these ideas in school education are covered.
The subjective approach in education of Ukraine has been updated since the late 1980s. However, after the country gained independence, there was a release of both public and scientific thought. Therefore, the potential of a subjective approach in education has acquired extreme demand, as it provides an opportunity to find adequate answers to the challenges and needs of modern school education.
The contribution of Ukrainian scientists-psychologists (H. Ball, S. Maksymenko, V. Moliako, V. Muzyka, V. Rybalka, R. Semenova) to researching in the late 1990s – in the first decade of the twenty-first century issues of implementation of personality-oriented education, which was carried out from the standpoint of the humanistic and activity paradigms, that is, in line with the ideas about the active role of the individual in the process of life activity, and also agrees with the principle of subjectivity. In accordance with it, subjectivity is treated as a special quality of existence, which provides the ability of the individual to independent life-creation. Collectively it was created the basis for the study of the students’ psyche not as a combination of individual mental functions and cognitive parameters, which is characteristic of functional
and cognitive psychology, but as an integrity with all the individual characteristics and manifestations that the person himself (as a subject) develops, organizes and controls.
It is shown that since the 1990s, Ukraine has been developing a new post-non-classical education model, in which the value is the development of the personality’s potential and capabilities, the process of its creative self-actualization and self-realization, that is, the personality-oriented model. The postnon-classical
education system is approved on the basis of its informatization and computerization, and the development of the individual is largely based on the possibilities of the information space. At the same time, in the first decade of the XXI century psychological studies of personality-oriented education of a child or a group of schoolchildren in the context of the specifics of education, which appeared in the postmodern conditions of a globalized, information space, have not been revealed.
В статье обобщены вклад украинских психологов в развитие психолого-педагогического обоснование введения дитиноцентрованои образования в независимой Украине. освещены
теорию рациогуманистичнои образования (Г. Балл), основы генетической психологии (С. Максименко), стратегиальну теорию творчества (В.Моляко), трехмерную модель психологической структуры личности (В. Рыбак) и результаты практической реализации этих идей e школьном образовании.
Publisher Кам’янець-Подільський Національний університет імені Івана Огієнка
Date 2018
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Дічек, Наталія Петрівна (2018) Ukrainian psychology on the way to the implementation of a ditinocentric approach to school education (the first decade of the 21st century) Pedagogical education: theory and practice, 1 (25). pp. 38-45. ISSN 2309-9763