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Компетентнісно орієнтовані задачі з теорії ймовірностей у підготовці студентів інженерних спеціальностей

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Компетентнісно орієнтовані задачі з теорії ймовірностей у підготовці студентів інженерних спеціальностей
Competently oriented tasks on the theory of probabilities in teaching students of engineering specialties
Creator Максимов, І. І.
Словак, К. І.
Subject 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
51 Mathematics
Description У статті показано доцільність включення у навчання теорії ймовірностей компетентнісно орієнтованих математичних задач як одного із засобів підвищення професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців. Наведено приклади компетентнісно орієнованих математичних задач з теорії ймовірностей для студентів інженерних спеціальностей.
Abstract. Introduction. Many years of experience in teaching higher mathematics in engineering specialties of universities shows that the section «Theory of Probabilities» students understand and absorb much more difficult than others. Thus, the total number of points received by students in theory of probability for different years is slightly less than in the same students in higher mathematics. Despite the fact that in order to solve a probabilistic problem, it is usually only necessary to perform addition and multiplication, most students face difficulties in choosing a formula (mathematical model) for which it is necessary to solve the problem. Overcoming this problem is achieved through the introduction of competently oriented mathematical tasks. The solution of such tasks make facilitates the assimilation of the educational material and the perception of formulas as mathematical models. Interpretation of the condition task and the received response in the «engineering language» promotes a better understanding of mathematical methods and the formation of professional competence of future engineers.
Purpose. Demonstrate competently oriented mathematical tasks in theory of probability for students of engineering specialties.
Results. The work of scientists devoted to the problem of the development and implementation of competently oriented mathematical tasks in the teaching of mathematical disciplines is analyzed. Competently oriented mathematical tasks in theory of probability are developed and the methodology of their use in teaching engineering students is shown.
Conclusion. Competently oriented mathematical tasks take a special place in the training of professionally competent engineers, which let to understand, explain, substantiate, make conclusions on the organization of production and ways of increasing the reliability of complex devices and process chains. The problems considered in this article demonstrate only the use of two formulas of theory of probability, however, a promising direction for further research is the development of a system of competently oriented mathematical problems for engineering students what covers all topics of the section.
Publisher ЧНУ ім. Богдана Хмельницького
Date 2017
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Максимов, І. І. and Словак, К. І. ( <>) (2017) Competently oriented tasks on the theory of probabilities in teaching students of engineering specialties Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія педагогічні науки, 12. pp. 71-77. ISSN 2076-586X