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Текстоцентричний підхід до формування мовленнєвих умінь і навичок учнів та його реалізація в підручнику української мови

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Текстоцентричний підхід до формування мовленнєвих умінь і навичок учнів та його реалізація в підручнику української мови
Text-centric approach to the formation of speech skills and abilities of students in the modern Ukrainian textbook for the 8th form
Creator Галаєвська, Л.В.
Subject 37.02 General questions of didactics and method
373 Kinds of school providing general education
81 Linguistics and languages
Description Статтю присвячено висвітленню особливостей текстоцентричного підходу до формування мовленнєвих умінь і навичок учнів у сучасному піпручнику української мови. Розглянуто поняття "текст" як основу одиницю текстоцентричного підходу, його структуру, характеристики, специфіку процесу розуміння; визначено функції тексту щодо розвитку мовної особистості.
The article is devoted to highlighting the peculiarities of the text-centered approach to the formation of speech skills and pupils' skills in the modern textbook of the Ukrainian language. The concept of a "text" is considered as the basic unit of the text-centered approach, its structure, characteristics, specifics of the process of understanding; the functions of the text concerning the development of the linguistic personality are defined. The educational functions of the text are expanded; the fundamentals of selection and typology of texts in the textbook on the Ukrainian language were determined. The advantages of the text-centered approach, which will contribute to the implementation of this approach in the work with the textbook, are found out. Attention is paid to the role of texts in the formation of speech competence; the working method with a textbook is analyzed, as it is an important source of knowledge acquisition and formation of the linguistic personality on the basis of developed linguistic and communicative competences. The author found that the text serves as a means of implementing all the content lines of the program, which requires a comprehensive work with it to form or improve small groups and pairs, the formation of general educational skills and abilities simultaneously. It is envisaged that text work will be successful in the context of the implementation of the text-centered approach. The emphasis is placed on the role of texts, in particular case-law ones, in the formation of students' linguistic competence; the text-centered approach is analyzed as the fundamentals of the formation of speech competence on the basis of developed linguistic and communicative competences.
Publisher Інститут педагогіки НАПН України
Date 2017
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Галаєвська, Л.В. (2017) Text-centric approach to the formation of speech skills and abilities of students in the modern Ukrainian textbook for the 8th form Проблеми сучасного підручника, 19. pp. 68-79. ISSN 2411-1309