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???????? ?? ????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ?????????? MICRO GRID

Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

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Title ???????? ?? ????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ?????????? MICRO GRID
Static and dynamic tariffication of electricity in autonomous Micro Grid
Static and dynamic tariffication of electricity in autonomous Micro Grid
Creator ??????, ?.?.
???????, ?.?.
?????, ?.?.
??????, ?.?.
Zhuikov, V.Ya.
Yamnenko, Yu.S.
Boiko, I.Yu.
Klepach, L.Ye.
Subject ???????? ?? ????????? ??????
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?????????? ??????
Description ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ??? ?????? ?????????????? ?????? ??????????????, ??? ??????? ? ???? ???????-?????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ??? ?????? ????????????? ???????????????, ?? ????????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???????-???????????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ?????????????? ?????? ??????????????. ???? ????, ???????? ????????? ??????, ??? ???????, ? ?????? ????, ??????????? ????????? ???????????????? ???????, ? ? ?????? ? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????? ???????, ???????? ??????????? ???? ?? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????, ?? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ? ????????? ??????????? ????????. ??? ??????????????? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????????????? ??????? ???????????? ????? ???????? ???? ??????????????, ??? ?? ???? ???? ????????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ???????. ?????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????, ?? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ?????????. ???????? ??????, ??? ?????????????? ? ?????????? Matlab, ???????? ???????????? ????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????, ? ????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?????????, ??? ? ??? ?????????? ??????????????.
This article presents a static model of the price calculation for the various alternative sources of electricity, which includes technical and economic performance of different energy sources for the guaranteed power. Specified table with the calculated technical and economic indicators for the various alternative energy sources is given. A dynamic model is presented that combines the energy performance of the power system on the one hand, and economic indicators of closed macroeconomic system on the other, as the price regulation of the energy in Ukraine is currently taking place in static, not allowing to assess the dynamic change of tariff rates of electricity in isolated local systems. When hopping isolated power generating capacity of the system is changing, the tariff price of electricity cannot be taken into account when using static models. An isolated system consisting of a diesel generator and the consumer is studied. The model allows to investigate the effect of transients generator to replace the price indices of the economic system, and assess adequate tariff price for both producer and consumer of electricity. This model is modeled in the Matlab environment.
Date 2017-01-06T09:17:27Z
Type Article
Language uk
Relation ?????? ????. ?????: ???????? ?????;3(78)
Publisher ????