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??????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????: ?????????? ??????

Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

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Field Value
Title ??????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????: ?????????? ??????
Internal business control over securing fulfillment of company?s liabilities and facts of their change: methodical approach
Creator ??????????, ?.?.
Mushyns?kyj, V.V.
Subject ????????????? ????????
?????????? ????????
???????? ??????????????? ??????
Description ????????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????????? ??????????
???????????????????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???????????? ????????? ?? ?????
??????????? ???????????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?
??????????? ????????? ??????????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????? ?
??????????????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????????? .
Comparison of existing approaches to the order of performing internal business
control over transactions with securing fulfillment and change of company?s liabilities has
been carried out as well as methods of control over chosen object taking into
consideration check of validity and correctness of accounting reflection of facts of
liabilities change have been formed.
Date 2016-05-16T08:02:42Z
Type Article
Language uk
Relation ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ??????????????? ??????, ???????? ? ???????: ??????. ??????? ???????? ?????;1(22)
Publisher ????