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Педагогічні умови професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів фізичної культури

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Педагогічні умови професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів фізичної культури
Pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of future teachers of physical education
Creator Курнишев, Юрій Альбертович
Subject 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Description У дисертації визначено, теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено педагогічні умови професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів фізичної культури: успішна адаптація до умов навчання; позитивна мотивація професійного саморозвитку; формування готовності до професійного самовдосконалення; організація ефективної самоосвітньої роботи на основі конструювання індивідуальної саморозвивальної програми, яка включає механізми педагогічної рефлексії й самоспостереження. Розроблено, обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено модель професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів фізичної культури у процесі професійної підготовки у вищих навчальних закладах, що структурно охоплює цільовий, технологічний (методичний), діагностико-оцінний блоки, реалізується за відповідних педагогічних умов та уможливлює підготовку майбутніх учителів фізичної культури зі стійкою потребою й готовністю до професійного саморозвитку. Розкрито психолого-педагогічну сутність професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів фізичної культури як складного педагогічного явища, що включає професійну самореалізацію педагога та способи самопізнання і самовдосконалення. Уточнено зміст поняття «професійний саморозвиток майбутніх учителів фізичної культури» як усвідомлений і керований особистістю майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури процес.
In the thesis the author has defined, theoretically justified and experimentally tested pedagogical conditions for professional self-development of future physical education teachers’ that involve students’ successful adaptation to learning environment; positive motivation of professional self-development in the process of professional training in higher pedagogical education institutions; forming readiness for professional self-development; organization of effective independent work based on the construction of an individual self-development program that includes the mechanisms of pedagogical reflection and self-observation. The psychological and pedagogical essence of professional self-development as the purposeful process controlled by personality and characterized by their own activities, needs and attempts toward self-development that results in the improvement of professionally significant qualities has been justified. The essence of future physical education teachers’ readiness for professional self-development as an integral professional and personal formation, multiaspect result of professional training that provides for the accomplishment of tasks aimed at improving pupils’ health and involves future teachers’ professional self-realization, ways of self-cognition and self-development in further professional activity has been specified.
It has been proved that forming future physical education teachers’ readiness for professional self-development is a relatively independent activity that presupposes certain changes aimed at improving professionally significant qualities, broadening knowledge-based potential, enhancing the level of pedagogical mastery and athletic skills to master modern pedagogical ideas and technologies that ensures pedagogues’ professional development and their professionalism enhancement in general as well as the creation of health-improving environment in comprehensive schools, in particular.
In addition, the model of future physical education teachers’ professional self-development in the process of professional training in higher pedagogical education institutions has been developed, justified and experimentally tested. The realization of the model ensures professional self-development of future physical education teachers during such stages as self-actualization and motivation, correlation and identification, sense formation and self-projection, self-realization. Each stage of self-development is characterized by changes in professionally significant qualities of future physical education teachers that are specified by the indicators of motivation-oriented, operation-and content-based, competency-based and reflexive criteria that reveal the essence of passive, adaptive, active and creative levels of future physical education teachers’ professional self-development.
The aim and objectives of future physical education teachers’ professional self-development has been defined taking into account the specificity of professional training in higher pedagogical education institutions that encompasses the integration of strategies, models, content and forms of higher physical and teacher education. The didactic condition for implementing the model of future physical education teachers’ professional self-development is the update of professional training content in higher pedagogical education institutions as well as the establishment of relevant scientific and methodical provision aimed at their mastering the system of professional pedagogical knowledge of the essence of professional development and self-development, obtaining skills of organization and methodology of future physical education teachers’ professional self-development as well as practical experience of professional self-development, forming of emotional and motivational orientation toward permanent professional self-development that are functionally implemented in the algorithm of realization of the professional self-development programme. The main systemic element of the developed model is the implementation of the special course «Professional Self-Development of Future Physical Education Teachers» aimed at forming professional self-consciousness and professional reflection of students as future specialists, activating their personal potential of comprehending future career and self-development.
The structure of the developed model includes target, technological (methodical) and diagnostic evaluative blocks. During the professional training of future physical education teachers, the successful realization of the model is ensured by appropriate pedagogical conditions and provides for training future physical education teachers, ready for professional self-development.
Based on the analysis of theoretical findings and pedagogical practice, the author has justified motivation-oriented, operation- and content-based, competency-based and reflexive criteria and characterized creative, active, adaptive and passive levels of future physical education teachers’ readiness for professional self-development.
The efficiency of the developed model as well as revealed and scientifically justified pedagogical conditions for professional self-development of future physical education teachers has been experimentally tested.
Date 2017
Type Thesis
Format text
Language uk
- Курнишев, Юрій Альбертович (2017) Pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of future teachers of physical education Dissertation candidate thesis, Інститут професійно-технічної освіти.