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Проблема формування читацьких умінь і навичок та їх вимірювання в учнів 5-6 класів на уроках української мови

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Title Проблема формування читацьких умінь і навичок та їх вимірювання в учнів 5-6 класів на уроках української мови
Problem of the development of reading abilities and skills of the pupils of the 5th-6th grades at the Ukrainian language lessons and their measurement
Creator Хорошковська, Тетяна Петрівна
Subject 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
373 Kinds of school providing general education
81 Linguistics and languages
Description У статті уточнено зміст понять умінь і навичок, зокрема читацьких, прийнятих у дидактиці, психології, психолінгвістиці та лінгводидактиці. Розглянуто види вмінь і класифікації їх. З’ясовано, що читацькі вміння як один із видів мовленнєвої діяльності є одночасно предметними (спеціальними) і загальнонавчальними, оскільки з ними пов’язана успішність учнів з усіх навчальних предметів, бо читати учням доводиться на всіх уроках. У статті розглянуто класифікації читацьких умінь. Визначено, які практичні читацькі навички та інтелектуальні вміння необхідно формувати й вимірювати в учнів 5–6 класів на уроках української мови.
The article specifies the content of abilities and skills, reading, in particular, accepted in didactics, psychology, psycholinguistics and linguistic didactics. The types of skills and their classification have been examined. It was found that reading skills as one of the types of speech are simultaneously objective (special) and also providing general education because of their connection with student achievement in all academic subjects as students must read during all classes. The article presents the classification of reading skills. It was determined what the practical reading skills and intellectual skills are necessary to build and measure as regards pupils of 5-6 classes at lessons of the Ukrainian language. The author of the article has referred to practice reading skills such items as: quick navigation through the content of published sources (easily and quickly find the content of the desired section, paragraph, topic, ability to use symbols, notes, footnotes, to find and understand information are presented by means of different fonts) and reading technique as well. Such issues has been singled out among intellectual skills as: the ability to quickly review the text and recognize separate elements by dint of external and notional features, ability to understand the actual meaning of the text, establish cause-effect relationships, to detect keywords in the text, to identify structural features of the text, to determine the interdependent notional parts, to understand the semantic relations between sentences, paragraphs, sub, micro topics, notice incomprehensible words, to find out their meaning, to formulate questions as per reading content, to divine the content of the following words are not read yet, as well sentences and group of sentences, to highlight the primary and secondary in the text, to correlate what is read with the information put down in illustrative material, to understand different types of information submission.
Publisher Педагогічна думка
Date 2016
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Хорошковська, Тетяна Петрівна (2016) Problem of the development of reading abilities and skills of the pupils of the 5th-6th grades at the Ukrainian language lessons and their measurement Проблеми сучасного підручника (17). pp. 501-512. ISSN 2411-1309