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Defining and diagnosing the gifted students

Zhytomyr State University Library

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Title Defining and diagnosing the gifted students
Creator Вознюк, О. В.
Subject LB Theory and practice of education
Description The article contains the research of the phenomenon of giftedness and the ways of its diagnosis. The
interdisciplinary analysis enables to derive at the conclusion about genetic connection of talent with the creative
and intellectual aspects of a personality. The study is based on methodological aspects when the research
proceeds from the universal to the particular, and from the latter – to the singular.
On the level of philosophical methodology the universal paradigm of development is applied enabling to ground,
that creativity, giftedness and intellect have certain genetic ties being realized in the process of a person's
development: the man develops from the state of giftedness, characterized by the functions of right hemisphere of
the cerebrum realizing multiple, emotional and image reflection of reality, high affective and perceptive
sensitivity being the indicators the very giftedness – that right hemispheric developing potential of man which
must be sublimated into left hemispheric intellectual (analytical, abstract and logical) forms of psychical
activity. On the third stage of man's development the unification of right- and left hemispheric functions reveal
the psycho physiological basis for creative (paradoxical, dialectical) thinking and mastering of reality. The
mentioned stages determine pertaining proper strategies of the diagnostics of giftedness.
Publisher Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І.Франка
Date 2017
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Вознюк, О. В. (2017) Defining and diagnosing the gifted students. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка (1 (87)). pp. 19-24. ISSN 2076-6173