Естетична самоосвіта викладача образотворчого мистецтва вищого педагогічного навчального закладу як чинник професійного саморозвитку
Електронна бібліотека НАПН України
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Естетична самоосвіта викладача образотворчого мистецтва вищого педагогічного навчального закладу як чинник професійного саморозвитку
The Aesthetic Self-Education of the Teacher of Fine Art Pedagogical Higher Education Institution as a Factor of Professional Self-Development |
Creator |
Сотська, Г.І.
Subject |
37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study 7 The Arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Architecture. |
Description |
У статті розглядається проблема естетичної самоосвіти викладача образотворчого мистецтва як чинника професійного саморозвитку; обґрунтовано сутність естетичної самоосвіти як перетворення викладача образотворчого мистецтва з об’єкта культурної і художньо-педагогічної діяльності, з одержувача знання у майстра, який розвиває себе; доведено, що естетична самоосвіта через самопізнання, самоорганізацію, творчу самореалізацію, професійне самовдосконалення сприяє розвитку професіоналізму педагога-художника.
In article viewed the problem of aesthetic self-education teacher of fine arts as a factor of professional self-development. Aesthetic self as a process of selfsamobudovy аrt teacher closely related to human culture and tasks of life and expand their artistic and aesthetic experience. A freedom of choice, independence in activities which аrt teacher decides experimenting and looking, and has attempted constructs, reconstructs and analyzes the results of its own aesthetic and artistic and cultural activities. Aesthetic self education teacher of fine arts activity is the driving force of professionalism аrt teacher encourages him to professional self-improvement as a teacher-painter. Professionalism Art teacher characterized by its level of artistic and professional competence, awareness of the arts, developed artistic and aesthetic thesaurus as intellectual and emotional baggage, embodied in the life and evaluative experiences, the ability to put into practice its own artistic and aesthetic potential to produce their own unique creative works activities. The main way of forming professional teacher of fine arts, his skill is creativity - the most important way to climb his identity, realize the creative potential of the teacher as master. The result of aesthetic self education teacher of fine arts is its professional selfdevelopment - a process that covers all areas of personality; motives (needs) and intellectual and emotional, and volitional. The most important thing - the process of self-development is based on new and raises the level of functioning, that intensifies the processes of «self»: self-knowledge, creative self-government, self-organization, of self-actualization, self-improvement teachers of art. |
Publisher |
Чернігівський національний педагогічний університет ім.Т.Г.Шевченка
Date |
Type |
PeerReviewed |
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Identifier |
- Сотська, Г.І. (2015) The Aesthetic Self-Education of the Teacher of Fine Art Pedagogical Higher Education Institution as a Factor of Professional Self-Development Вісник Чернігівського університету. Серія: Педагогічні науки (130). pp. 166-173. ISSN 2518-7465 |