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Комунікативна компетентність як визначальний чинник професійного самоздійснення викладача вищої школи

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Комунікативна компетентність як визначальний чинник професійного самоздійснення викладача вищої школи
Communicative competence as a determining factor of university teacher’s professional self-fulfilment
Creator Корніяка, Ольга Миколаївна
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Description У статті проаналізовано психо-логічний зміст феномена компетентності фахівця. Подано розуміння сутності комунікативної компетентності й визначено її місце у структурі професійної компетентності. Показано значення професійного спілкування викладача ВНЗ та його інструмента - комунікативної компетентності для успішного здійснення ним науково-педагогічної діяльності. Визначено роль цього виду компетентності в його професійно-комунікативному самоздійсненні.
The article analyzes the psychological meaning of the “professional competence” phenomenon. Understanding of the communicative competence nature is presented and its place in the professional competence structure is determined.In particular, it is show that the communicative competence holds a dominant position in a complex qualitative structure of university teacher’s professional competence due to its dependence on the society and significance of communications for educational practice. Broadly speaking, the communicative competence is an integrative professional ability to communicate. Interpersonal communications are the main tool of a professional teacher: they cannot be replaced by any other means and the professional activities cannot be performed without them. This is the factor that determines quality characteristics of an outcome (a product) of professional activities of specialists in socionomy. At the same time, professional communications, which are traditionally regarded in the psychological science as "activities in the activity", are a specific type of activities, it is a communicative (including speaking) activity. A teacher has to perform communicative speech activities in all areas of his/her work: pedagogical, educational, methodical, organizational and others. This comprehensive universality, i.e. the presence of communicative activities at all types of specialist’s professional, scientific and pedagogical work, determines importance of formation and development, first of all, of the communicative competence within the professional competence structure as a key tool of interpersonal communications. Communicative activities are governed by the need to resolve communicative problems arising in the course of professional interaction, and through them, to resolve proper professional problems. So, professional self-fulfilment of university teachers is impossible without communicative self-realization through communicative competence as a work method. The study shows that the communicative competence is an important psychological tool of university teacher’s interpersonal communications. Its results allow us to regard the communicative competence – an integrative ability and a prescriptive quality for any specialist - as a determining factor for his/her professional self-fulfilment.
Publisher Інститут психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України
Date 2016
Type Article
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Language uk
- Корніяка, Ольга Миколаївна (2016) Communicative competence as a determining factor of university teacher’s professional self-fulfilment Актуальні проблеми психології. – Том. V: Психофізіологія. Психологія праці. Експериментальна психологія (16). pp. 82-92. ISSN 2072-4772