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Психологія особистісного становлення майбутнього лікаря

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Психологія особистісного становлення майбутнього лікаря
Психология личностного становления будущего врача
Psychology of personal development of future doctor
Creator Філоненко, М.М.
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
61 Medical sciences
Description В дисертаційному дослідженні запропоновано нове вирішення наукової проблеми особистісного становлення майбутнього лікаря в умовах навчально-професійної діяльності. Дослідження підтвердило існування тісного зв’язку між структурою особистості і процесом професійної діяльності. Розкрито сутність поняття „особистісне становлення майбутнього лікаря у процесі навчально-професійної діяльності”. Визначено підходи, які дають змогу проаналізувати психологічний зміст цього феномена.
Обґрунтовано модель розвитку особистісної структури майбутнього лікаря. Здійснено емпіричне вивчення структуротвірних компонентів особистісної структури студента-медика і показано взаємозв’язок цих компонентів з його майбутньою професійною діяльністю. Запропоновано адаптивно-динамічне навчання студентів-медиків, спрямоване на їх особистісне становлення в умовах освітнього середовища вищого медичного навчального закладу. Показано динаміку розвитку структуротвірних компонентів особистісної структури студента-медика на підставі результатів впровадження у навчальний процес адаптивно-динамічного навчання. Гіпотеза, що була висунута на початку дослідження в ході емпіричного етапу знайшла своє повне підтвердження.
В диссертационном исследовании предложено новое решение научной проблемы личностного становления будущего врача в условиях учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Исследование подтвердило существование тесной связи между структурой личности и процессом профессиональной деятельности. Раскрыта сущность понятия "личностное становление будущего врача в процессе учебно-профессиональной деятельности". Определены подходы, которые позволяют проанализировать психологическое содержание этого феномена.
Предложена модель развития личностной структуры будущего врача. Осуществлено эмпирическое изучение структурообразующих компонентов личностной структуры студента-медика и показана взаимосвязь этих компонентов с его будущей профессиональной деятельностью. Предложено адаптивно-динамическое обучение студентов-медиков, направленное на их личностное становление в условиях образовательной среды высшего медицинского учебного заведения. Показана динамика развития структурообразующих компонентов личностной структуры студента-медика на основании результатов внедрения в учебный процесс адаптивно-динамического обучения. Гипотеза, которая была выдвинута в начале исследования в ходе эмпирического этапа нашла свое полное подтверждение.
The dissertation has developed theoretical and methodological principles, theoretical approaches and the new solution of scientific problems of psychology personal development of future doctor in terms of educational and professional activities.
Theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific sources on the issue of personal development expert found ambiguous interpretations of the concept of identity as one of the leading categories of psychology. The study confirmed the existence of a close connection between the structure and the process of individual professional activities. During the formation of professionalism in the process of professional activity identity necessarily evolves and changes.
Theoretical analysis of approaches, concepts and models of personality expert in connection with his professional development has shown that professional development is inseparable from the personal development and is in accordance with the characteristics and laws of general mental development. The study found that activities leading doctor of the future in terms of the educational environment of higher medical education institution serves educational and professional background, and in this kind of activity is mainly his personal development.
Research has shown that successful implementation of future professional doctor for medical students as a subject of educational and professional activities put forward specific requirements. Complex, dynamic and multi-layered process of professionalization of the medical students' needs are increasingly self of his personality, which leads to qualitative changes in his personality, to make it their personal resources to constructive action in space for future medical profession, to develop the capacity for self-development, to reconciling professional activities with their personality and activity generated by them disclose the nature of his creative activity.
It’s theoretically substantiated and experimentally established that the structure generatrices components personality structure of future doctor are: focus, personally meaningful and professionally important qualities, professional competence, personal experience.
It is shown that the personal formation of the future doctor has as its basis the process of teaching and professional activities, each of which is a preliminary stage to the next is propaedeutical and involves the formation of his personality on the basis of a psychological and educational organization of educational environment allowing for the future professional activities.
Experimentally definied the features of the relationship structures generators components personality structure of future medical and professional activities, and on this basis established: motivational education (orientation of the individual, his values, moral idea); personally meaningful quality (colored moral qualities: empathy, tolerance, kindness, responsibility, communicative, contact, observation, ability to inspire confidence, creativity, creativity); professionally important qualities (communication skills - the ability to perceive and understand the other person, the capacity for social interaction, the ability to clinical thinking ability for critical thinking, research skills); professional competence (personal, communicative, cognitive, projective, reflective, research); personal experience (necessary knowledge and skills).
The study shows that expressed by structure-forming components of personality structure of future medical need for further development in the educational and professional activities, such as personal formation of the future physician may be effective in case of implementing the educational process of higher medical education institution adaptive-dynamic study, based on content update training disciplines, methods of teaching and using innovative learning technologies.
The main strategies in the construction of adaptive-dynamic study identified: analysis of developmental opportunities for training courses "Psychology of Communication", "Basic scientific research", implementing above named disciplines in the educational process in higher educational institutions. This revealed that medical students mastering the mentioned subjects is based on an integrated approach to content development of teaching material, the selection of innovative psycho-pedagogical educational technologies that reveal the сontent; selection methods, methodological support and forms of education; selection of forms of self-knowledge and self-development processes. The specificity of the adaptive-dynamic study was that it activates the formation of personal medical students and has the potential to develop empirically established in our study structure-forming components of personality structure.
Results of the study show that introduced in the educational process of higher medical institution adaptive-dynamic studies contributed to the positive dynamics in terms structure-forming components personality structure and is evidence of the gradual formation of personality of future doctor.
The hypothesis that has been put forward at the beginning of the study in the empirical stage found its full confirmation.
Date 2016
Type Thesis
Format text
Language uk
Rights cc_by_nc_nd
- Філоненко, М.М. (2016) Psychology of personal development of future doctor Masters thesis, Інститут психології імені Г.С. Костюка.