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Міжкультурність та багатомовність як напрями модернізації змісту мовної освіти школярів у Європі

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Міжкультурність та багатомовність як напрями модернізації змісту мовної освіти школярів у Європі
Іnterculturality and multilingualism as directions of European schoolchildren language education modernisation
Creator Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна
Subject 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
373 Kinds of school providing general education
81 Linguistics and languages
Description Статтю присвячено аналізу напрямів модернізації змісту мовної освіти європейських школярів в умовах глобалізаційних та інтеграційних процесів. Розглянуто рекомендовані європейськими фахівцями педагогічні підходи та найбільш результативні види навчальної діяльності для формування здатності до міжкультурного спілкування в процесі багатомовної освіти.
The article deals with the analysis of directions of language education content modernization in European schools. This process in caused by the processes of globalization and integration, which are realized in massive migration, global mobility and increasing the number of opportunities for communication not only in Europe but the whole world. In modern conditions the term ‘language education’ is changingits meaning. Now it includes learning not only widely used languages but those ones which are used lesser. In official documents of European organizations is indicated that communication and interaction between Europeans can be eased by raising the level of competence in modern languages at the individual level (plurilingualism) and forming the ability of intercultural communication. So the process of language education is under diversification of structure and modernization of content to meet the pupils’ interests and individual abilities, to prepare them for life in European society. The educational process aimed at plurilingualism development, in which two languages are used as a mean of instruction (as bilingual education) or some languages are learned as systems (for example: second or modern foreign language learning was called multilingual education. Multilingual education in European schools is clearly directed on intercultural communication development.
In the article the term ‘Intercultural competence’ is considered as a combination of attitudes, knowledge, understanding and skills applied through action which enables one to: 1) understand and respect people who are perceived to have different cultural affiliations from oneself; 2) respond appropriately, effectively and respectfully when interacting and communicating with such people; 3) establish positive and constructive relationships with such people; 4) understand oneself and one’s own multiple cultural affiliations through encounters with cultural ‘difference [Developing interc]. ‘The difficulty of intercultural communication can be accounted for by the fact that the communicators rely on different symbolic systems, contexts of experience and stores of knowledge’, ― indicates U.Epp [11].
For multilingual education programs practical realization experts of Council of Europe recommend some approaches based on constructivism: 1) learning by doing; 2) project work on creating training materials; 3) cooperative learning for social skills improving and conflicts resolving.
Conclusion. The process of language education improving lies in diversification of its structure and modernization of its content aimed at preparation schoolchildren for life in multilingual and multicultural European society.
Publisher Чернігівський національний педагогічний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Date 2015
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна (2015) Іnterculturality and multilingualism as directions of European schoolchildren language education modernisation Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету ім.Т.Г.Шевченка (119). pp. 198-202.