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Соціолінгвістичні засади розвитку багатомовності школярів у країнах західної Європи

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Title Соціолінгвістичні засади розвитку багатомовності школярів у країнах західної Європи
Sociolinguistic foundations of pupils’ plurilingualism formation in western European countries
Creator Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна
Subject 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description В статті проаналізовано роботи провідних вчених соціолінгвістичного напряму, у яких визначені засади розвитку багатомовності школярів у країнах Західної Європи в контексті багатомовної освіти.
The article is devoted to exploration of the sociolinguistic foundations of plurilingualism formation in the context of multilingual education in Western European countries. The author begins with the considerations of the sources of scientific research in which language was studied in relation to social phenomena. Such researches allowed deeper insights into the nature of language and identified the conditions for its existence and dynamics in society. A special attention is given to the clarification of the terms.
This paper is concerned with current trends in sociolinguistics connected with critical theories of language and culture aspects in the context of existing hierarchy of languages, in particular the English language globalization. Attention to the works which define the basis for the development of multilingualism in the context of plurilingual education in Western European countries is paid. Modern views of European educational scholars are analyzed. In the contexts of the study significant are patterns of languages co-existence in today's society, the role multilingualism in Western European countries, the effect of several languages in the process of pupils’ socialization. Multilingual education of pupils in Western European countries is a complex multifunctional educational phenomenon, the way of learning aimed at pupils’ plurilingualism development. This phenomenon includes a deep pupils’ mastery in their native language, because each person has an emotional connection with their native language, provides forming the ability to use at least two other languages including official language of the country of residence (for children with migrant backgrounds) and the international language (or some of them). English occupies very special position as a language of intercultural communication, performing the communicative function and leaves the representative one to the mother tongue. This is caused by the needs of communication with representatives of different nations and cultures, necessity of socialization in the country of residence and European society, the presence of the phenomenon of "economization of language skills" and the desire of every person to achieve academic and professional success.
Publisher Чернігівський національний педагогічний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Date 2015
Type Article
Format other
Language uk
- Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна (2015) Sociolinguistic foundations of pupils’ plurilingualism formation in western European countries Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету ім.Т.Г.Шевченка (122). pp. 208-212.