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Розвиток самооцінки творчих здібностей у молодшому шкільному віці

Zhytomyr State University Library

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Title Розвиток самооцінки творчих здібностей у молодшому шкільному віці
Creator Загурська, І. С.
Subject BF Psychology
Description Розвиток самооцінки творчих здібностей залежить від особливостей організації учіння – провідної діяльності молодшого шкільного віку та базується переважно на самооцінці учбових здібностей. Авторська структурно-функціональна модель самооцінки творчих здібностей відображає механізми розвитку самооцінки залежно від особливостей розвитку здібностей у діяльностях з різним розвивально-творчим потенціалом. На відміну від традиційного навчання, розвивальне навчання та заняття в гуртках більшою мірою сприяють розвитку творчих здібностей, і, відповідно, їх самооцінки. З іншого боку, стимулювання розвитку самооцінки шляхом рефлексії та соціального визнання досягнень може сприяти розвитку творчих здібностей. Умовою саморозвитку творчих здібностей є суб’єктно-ціннісний рівень самооцінки, який включає соціальні, діяльнісні, розвивальні, творчі та ціннісно-регулюючі компоненти.

Развитие самооценки творческих способностей зависит от особенностей организации учения – ведущей деятельности младшего школьного возраста и основывается на самооценке учебных способностей. Авторская структурно-функциональная модель самооценки творческих способностей в младшем школьном возрасте отражает механизмы развития самооценки в зависимости от особенностей развития способностей в деятельностях с разным развивающе-творческим потенциалом. В отличие от традиционного обучения, развивающее обучение и занятия в кружках в большей степени способствуют развитию творческих способностей, и, соответственно, их самооценки. С другой стороны, стимулирование развития самооценки путем рефлексии и социального признания достижений может способствовать развитию творческих способностей. Условием саморазвития творческих способностей является субъектно-ценностный уровень самооценки, который включает социальные, деятельносные, развивающие, творческие и ценностно-регулирующие компоненты.

The dissertation examines the development of creative abilities self-esteem depending on the organizational peculiarities of leading activity – studying in elementary school. It was stated that those kinds of studying activities that have the highest evolving and creative potential contribute much more to the development of creative abilities and their self-esteem as well.
On the basis of theoretical analysis of informative characteristics of evolving and creative potential of evolving and traditional educational systems three spheres of creative abilities self-esteem were defined: peculiarities of school adaptation, social reflection, teacher’s and coeval’s estimation, abilities development.
Implementation of adapted to the research goals psychosemantic methods helped to simulate the process of self-estimation on the basis of individually original criteria and verbal derivatives of self-esteem of every child under experiment. As a result the following kinds of self-esteem were determined: self-esteem of personal responsibility, self-esteem of studying abilities and corresponding to them functions, such as the function of earlier achieved level of self-esteem support, studying actions as means of self-esteem support comprehension. Structural and functional construction of creative abilities self-esteem was studied in detail in interconnections of social, active, evolving, creative and valuable and regulating components and corresponding to them functions of: social recognition, active and reflective, abilities self-development, creative-adaptive and function of creative abilities self-development.In the structure of elementary school pupils’ self-esteem according to the traditional system, ethic-moral and praxis-cognitive components prevail. Informative characteristics of ethic-moral component are determined on the basis of main criteria of positive external evaluation, the main of which is the criterion of socially preferable forms of school behavior acceptance such as obedience and modesty. Informative characteristics of praxis-cognitive component are based upon external set by the teacher self-esteem parameters and postponed integration of acquired skills (reading skills, writing skills, counting skills) into self-esteem.
A great influence upon creative abilities self-esteem is made by success attribution that is a dispositional characteristic formed in measures of school activity. Attribution concerning diligence presupposes children’s orientation to the abilities development in reproductive activities which being connected with different levels of comprehension and directions of abilities development is reflected in such forms of predominant self-esteem: diligence self-esteem, self-esteem of ability to procreate the example, noncritical and inheritable self-esteem of own abilities. Attribution concerning abilities stimulates the development of creative abilities, which is reflected in such forms of self-esteem as: retrospective self-esteem of own abilities, projective self-esteem of skills and creative abilities, productive and projective self-esteem and productive and actual self-esteem of skills and abilities.
The differential level of self-esteem of abilities influences the process of school adaptation, which is productive in activity of high evolving potential 9 evolving studying, classes in groups). The high differential level of self-esteem forms the basis for functioning of subject-evaluative level of creative abilities self-esteem, which is characterized by the interrelation of social (comprehended criteria of recognition, social activity), active (high level of reflective abilities), evolving (intellectual activity, differentiation of evaluative constructions, comprehension of possible development of own abilities and subject values presence), creative (variability, alternativeness in abilities development, competition avoidance) and evaluative and regulating (subject activity in self-development of creativity) of components.
Difficulties in developing creative abilities self-evaluation are caused by depreciation of one of its teo structure basic components: social and active. Under the aforesaid circumstances self-evaluation loses its differentiality. Therefore the process of school adaptation becomes less successful. Dicrease of social cooperation role in developing abilities and their self-evaluation (firstly, it concerns evaluation on coevals’ behalf) causes searching for compensation of unsuccessful school adaptation. Compensatory self-evaluation bases on shot-tern situational support and temporary sympathy or antipathy, but not on successful activity. Depreciation of self-evaluation active characteristics (development of abilities reflection on the basis of realized abilities, actions and operations) deals with dicreasing the quantity of referential people, who evaluate children’s artistic achievements.
Elaborated structural and functional model of creative abilities self-esteem development allows with the help of psycho semantic methods of research of abilities self-esteem and learning methods of dynamic mechanisms creativity development to control moral and emotional level of self-esteem of own responsibility, praxis and cognitive level of studying abilities self-esteem and self-evaluation level of self-esteem of creativity. Usage of mentioned methods stimulates the reflection of abilities, promotes the development of all self-esteem components and finally the development of creative abilities and their self-esteem.
Date 2006-11-15
Type Thesis
Format text
Language uk
Загурська, І. С. (2006) Розвиток самооцінки творчих здібностей у молодшому шкільному віці. PhD thesis, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка.