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Гендерний концепт сімейного виховання особистості як наукова і соціально-педагогічна проблема

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Title Гендерний концепт сімейного виховання особистості як наукова і соціально-педагогічна проблема
Гендерный концепт семейного воспитания личности как научная и социально-педагогическая проблема
Gender Concept of Family Education of Personality as a Scientific and Socio-Pedagogical Problem
Creator Алєксєєнко, Т.Ф.
Subject 305 Gender studies
37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
37.06 Social problems in education. Human contacts, relationships
Description У статті вперше запропоновано осмислення концептуалізації гендерного знання на прикладі педагогічної парадигми гендерного концепту; критично вивчено та розкрито її виховний компонент, зокрема в контексті сімейного виховання особистості. Надано визначення та висвітлено онтологію понять "гендер" і "гендерне виховання", можливі аспекти його наукового аналізу як соціально-педагогічного явища. Запропоновано періодизацію ґенези поняття "гендер"; здійснено прогнозування щодо перспектив концептуалізації гендерної ідеї у сучасному суспільстві.
В статье впервые представлена концептуализация гендерного знания на примере педагогической парадигмы гендерного концепта; критически осмыслен и раскрыт ее воспитательный компонент, в частности семейного воспитания личности. Предложено определение и рассмотрена онтология понятий „гендер" и „гендерное воспитание", возможные аспекты его научного анализа как социально-педагогического явления. Предлагается периодизация генезиса понятия „гендер"; спрогнозированы перспективы концептуализации гендерной идеи в современном обществе.
A comprehension of gender concept in family education is important for forecasting further prospects in the development of social relations concerning equality and difference between the representatives of different sex, removal of social tension (as gender discrimination and violence in different aspects), support of family, quality of domestic functions performing, forming of responsible maternity and paternity. The significant content of gender concept of family education is based on basic concepts "gender" (and its derivatives) and "domestic education", which are complicated and many-sided, as well as the determined phenomena.
The educative component of gender concept gradually lines up in the context of modern philosophy education. Gender education is constructed on the base of gender values and analysis of models of gender mutual relations that develop and transform in society. The aim and content of gender education is a purposeful influence on a personality's consciousness, sense and behavior, which consist in several tasks:
- prevention and avoiding people's discrimination after their sex;
- reduction of gender stereotypes;
- development of humanistic consciousness based on realization and acceptance of gender values;
- forming identical ideas about masculinity and femininity, appropriate features and value attitude, responsibility and experience of co-operation culture between sexes based on partnership and moral-spiritual foundation.
The process of a personality's gender education takes place not only under an impact by culture of society, its stereotypes, but also innovative ideas in development of society, under an impact of different mass-media and other information technologies, that embrace a wide audience of consumers by retransmitting of certain knowledge, introduction of ideas and manipulations of consciousness.
In the advancement of gender idea in society, in both theoretical and practical aspects, there is still no unanimity. In the procedure of operationalization of gender, the concept is represented by a set of connotations. The most important of them are:
- gender as social sex (social construct);
- gender as a system of values (according to equality of rights and possibilities), which are modelled by society;
- gender as a norm and category of regulation of mutual relations between men and women on all levels of their social maturity and social co-operation (gender stereotypes, gender roles);
- gender as a factor of a personality's identity (gender identity);
- gender as a factor of education (gender approach);
- gender as a model of partner relations.
Thus, scientific discussions will take place in future, first of all, in a methodological plane, that, undoubtedly, will cause and support polarizationof evaluative attitudes, which are determined by stereotypes and innovative points of the problem. In the educative component, the most perceptible polarization will be observed exactly in family education that takes place in co-operation of representatives of different generations, and different world conceptions of parents and children concerning keeping the traditional and acceptance of the innovative. The reason for such prognostic conclusions is a retrospective analysis of theory and practices of forming the gender concept, accomplished within the limits of scientific research.
Publisher ПП Зволейкр Д.Г
Date 2015
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
- Алєксєєнко, Т.Ф. (2015) Gender Concept of Family Education of Personality as a Scientific and Socio-Pedagogical Problem Теоретико-методичні проблеми виховання дітей та учнівської молод, 1 (19). pp. 24-35. ISSN 2308-3778