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Вища освіта як соціальний інститут в контексті теорії соціальної ентропії

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Вища освіта як соціальний інститут в контексті теорії соціальної ентропії
Higher Education as a Social Institution in the Context of the Theory of Social Entropy
Высшее образование как социальный институт в контексте теории социальной энтропии
Creator Найдьонов, Олександр Григорович
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
314/316 Society
378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Description Ентропія вищої освіти як соціального інституту, це міра його відхилення від еталону свого функціонування. Якість освіти, є показником вміння суспільства привести у відповідність з природою суспільства і людини, зміст і форми навчання. Це означає, що крім навчання позитивним науковим знанням, вища освіта повинна дбати про підвищення етичного рівня фахівців.
High school is an important structural component of the national education system as a whole. Nationwide crisis has created an urgent need to reconstruct both the content and form of the educational process on all levels, in order to move to models of education which are adequate for a democratically arranged socium, a developed civil society. However, the issue of how the high school is able to contribute to its own self-recovery that will lead to the general health of the social organism is left out of the scientists view.
One of the theoretical tools which can positively impact on the improvement of the situation in Ukrainian higher education is heuristic opportunities of the social entropy theory, the basic concepts of which are "entropy" and "negative entropy". The concept of "entropy" is associated with such semantic content as: disorder, stagnation, monotony, homogeneity, and ignorance. The concept of "negative entropy" is a system, instability, heterogeneity, knowledge.
Entropy of higher education as a social institution is a measure of its remoteness from the optimal level of its functioning. One of the most characteristic features determining the level of entropy in higher education is the quality of education activity and the quality of education. In a philosophical sense, the quality of education is an indicator of the ability of society to bring into conformity with the nature of society and human the content and form of learning. Human nature is corporeal and spiritual. This means that besides of learning a positive scientific knowledge, higher education is to take care of raising the ethical level of professionals.
In the article the following conclusions are made:
 social entropy theory, its conceptual apparatus has sufficient theoretical and heuristic potential to improve the quality of higher education successfully in Ukraine;
 crisis of quality in higher education lies in the lack of understanding of the philosophical essence of the concept of "quality of education" as well as in underdevelopment of educational activities standard (scale "negative entropy-entropy") in the university, which would provide high quality of education;
 quality of education is an indicator of the ability of society to bring into conformity with the nature of society and person the content and the form of education;
 standard of higher education is to develop the student of ethical, scientific, and professional knowledge and competencies in line with the essence of human civilization based on human achievements that contribute to the preservation of the humanity on the planet.
Энтропия высшего образования как социального института – это мера его отклонения от эталона своего функционирования. Качество образования – это умение общества привести в соответствие с природой общества и человека содержание и формы обучения. Это означает, что кроме обучения положительным научным знаниям, высшее образование должно заботиться о повышении нравственного уровня специалистов.
Publisher Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К.Д.Ушинського
Date 2014
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
- Найдьонов, Олександр Григорович (2014) Higher Education as a Social Institution in the Context of the Theory of Social Entropy Наукове пізнання: методологія та технологія, 1 (32). pp. 97-102. ISSN 1561-1264