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Підручники природничого циклу як складова дослідницького навчального середовища

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Підручники природничого циклу як складова дослідницького навчального середовища
Учебники естественного цикла как составляющая исследовательского учебной среды
Textbooks of natural cycle as a component of the research educational environment
Creator Ільченко, Олексій Георгійович
Subject 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
37.02 General questions of didactics and method
Description Розглянуто проблеми організації дослідницьких умінь і навичок учнів за допомогою підручників, проаналізовано в цьому аспекті можливості підручників як складової навчального середовища.
В статье рассмотрены проблемы организации исследовательских умений и навыков учащихся, проанализировано в этом аспекте возможности ученика как составляющей обучающей среды.
In the article, the problems of the organization of pupils’ research skills are considered and analyzed in the aspect of the pupil’s opportunities as a component of a training environment.
The effi ciency of the academic process strongly depends on the educational environment which includes the material resources, the methodical provision, the relations between pupils and the teacher, etc. Textbooks play an important role in the formation of the natural-science competence. Educational environment is effective only at its nature compliance and the creation of the conditions for the development of the pupil’s informative activity, the positive motivation to training. The condition of effi ciency of the academic environment lies in its research orientation. The current state of education in Ukraine shows that the replacement of the subjects of a natural-science cycle affected it especially negatively under the
aegis of the education humanization. The state standard of education as well as the curriculum doesn’t provide the satisfaction of pupils’ need in the research activity.
The most valuable part of natural science suffered from the budget reduction on the subjects of a natural cycle – the practice, the supervision, and the experiment. Textbooks of new generation don’t create conditions for carrying out lessons out of the classroom, except the textbooks of the «Logic of Nature» educational technology. The Laboratory of Integration of the Institute of Pedagogy developed the project of a classroom for the Natural Study classroom. The equipment of such classroom is 2,5-3 times cheaper, than the equipment of the separate classrooms for Physics, Chemistry, Biology. At school, it is necessary to study the virtual models of the phenomena, and to teach school students modeling using a computer, in particularly, on the basis of it. Modern scholars came to a conclusion that not the system of knowledge, but a set of key competences in the intellectual, the legal, the communicative information and other spheres has to become the main result of the academic activity. To reach it, the academic environment has to meet the natural desire of a child to develop the informative activity, in particular an aspiration to research.
Publisher Інститут педагогіки
Date 2014
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
- Ільченко, Олексій Георгійович (2014) Textbooks of natural cycle as a component of the research educational environment Проблеми сучасного підручника (14). pp. 214-221. ISSN ISBN 978-966-644-382-6