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Основні тенденції та сутність патріотизму старших підлітків в сучасних умовах

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Основні тенденції та сутність патріотизму старших підлітків в сучасних умовах
The Key Trends and Essence of Patriotism of Older Teenagers in Modern Circumstances
Creator Гарнійчук, В.М.
Subject 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description У статті висвітлено основні тенденції виховання патріотизму в українській педагогічній науці. Представлені концепції мають три типи підходів:
теоцентричний, соціоцентричний та антропоцентричний. Розглянуто теоретичні основи сучасного українського патріотизму. Уточнено власне поняття патріотизму громадянського спрямування та зазначено мету патріотичного виховання старших підлітків.
The issue of patriotic education of the individual is of particular importance
in the period of formation of an open democratic society and Ukrainian statehood.
The article highlights the main trends of patriotism education in Ukrainian teaching
science. Nowadays, there are concepts in Ukraine that are based on the three types
of approaches: theologically centered, sociologically centered and anthropologically
centered. We argue that the concepts of theological and sociological orientation
can not form spiritually meaningful, reflective patriotism in the mass consciousness
of Ukrainians, which would contribute to the establishment and strengthening
of independent Ukraine and combine passionate love for the people of the country,
for the nation with a sober sense of proportion and respect for other peoples.
The priority place in the modern system of anthropologically centered concepts is
taken by the Program of Patriotic Education developed by I Bekh and K Chorna.
This program is valuable and crucial in modern circumstances. The basis of the anthropologically centered approach is the belief that the bearer of patriotism in society is the person who develops the social phenomenon using his creativity, work
and ideas. Patriotism is the feelings, principles, moral values. Being a moral value,
patriotism most clearly fits the anthropologically centered worldview.
This paper clarifies the very notion of patriotism of civic orientation and specifies
the purpose of patriotic education. Patriotism of older teens means their love for
the motherland, for its people and their concern for its welfare, their awareness of
the necessity to establish a sovereign, legal, democratic and social state, their readiness to serve the motherland and to defend the national interests of Ukraine. In the context of our study, we do not consider a sacrificing patriotism which is characteristic of a totalitarian state, we consider patriotism of civic orientation, which is characteristic of a state of law, which allows individuals to feel morally enriched, politically competent, socially ready to defend their rights and freedoms. The basis for patriotism of civic orientation is liberty, equality, a sense of being involved in the problems of the society and the state, humanistic morality.
Publisher м. Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД
Date 2013
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
- Гарнійчук, В.М. (2013) The Key Trends and Essence of Patriotism of Older Teenagers in Modern Circumstances Теоретико-методичні проблеми виховання дітей та учнівської молоді, 1 (17). pp. 174-182. ISSN 978-966-189-209-4