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Проект як форма роботи з батьками щодо професійного самовизначення старшокласників

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Проект як форма роботи з батьками щодо професійного самовизначення старшокласників
Project as the form of school work with parents according to the professional self-determination of pupils of senior school age.
Creator Павицька, К.М.
Subject 37.06 Social problems in education. Human contacts, relationships
37.09 Organization of instruction
373 Kinds of school providing general education
Description Стаття присвячена актуальній педагогічній проблемі – взаємодії загальноосвітньої школи з батьками учнів старшого шкільного віку. Обґрунтовано проект як форму роботи школи з батьками щодо професійного самовизначення старшокласників з точки зору їх ефективного впливу на суб’єктів взаємин. У статті представлено приклад орієнтовної програми педагогічного проекту з підготовки батьків до професійного самовизначення старшокласників, що включає такі заходи,
як батьківські збори, психолого-педагогічний семінар, фото виставка, екскурсія на підприємство, зустріч із фахівцями, бесіди й консультації тощо.
The article is devoted to the actual pedagogical problem – the interaction of secondary school with parents of pupils of senior school age. Project is grounded as a form of
work of school with parents on professional self-determination of pupils in terms of its impact on subjects of relationships. The author believes that in pedagogical training of parents to professional selfdetermination of high school pupils the pedagogical technologies that designed to provide educational and professional orientation of parents, assist parents in forming personoriented approach (which is based on dialogue and respect) to high school students during their professional self-determination, promote cooperation of teachers, parents and childrenin order to orient parents to active participation in the educational process, facilitate
harmonization and dialogizing of school life and family are important. Different approaches to structural construction of project work through the use of some stages of members who take part in it, that in its turn depends on the goals and objectives of project are considered.
The article presents an example of the approximate program of pedagogical project for preparing parents to professional self-determination of senior pupils, which includes such events as parents-teacher meetings, psychological-pedagogical workshop, photo exhibition, excursion to the plant, meeting with specialists, discussions and consultations etc.
It is noted that the parental educational project involves not only parents but also active participance of senior pupils, as the process of parents’ preparation to professional self-determination of high school students can not occur in isolation without children. This, according to the author, will harmonize the family relationships, create normal educational environment in a family, make interest parents and children in extracurricular school activities, as well as the students’ formation of appropriate values, motivation for choosing profession outlining their interests and personal aspirations and so on.
It is stressed that the ability to use project technology is an indicator of innovative thinking of teachers and requires high skills, careful stepwise of each stage. Alongside with the educational work with senior pupils and their parents especially should consider their interests and needs, based on personal experience of subjects and dialogical approach in relationships.
In the end it is indicated that the work with parents of senior pupils concerning their professional self-determination is the process that requires a special approach in its organization and usage of effective technologies and methods in interaction of schools work
with parents. Therefore, the implementation of the project method into the educational process of school is a necessary condition that will allow to make the process efficient, fun and effective.
Publisher СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Date 2013
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
- Павицька, К.М. (2013) Project as the form of school work with parents according to the professional self-determination of pupils of senior school age. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 7 (33). pp. 76-84.