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Інтелектуальний компонент духовної культури педагогічного персоналу

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

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Title Інтелектуальний компонент духовної культури педагогічного персоналу
Intellectual component of the spiritual culture of pedagogical personnel
Creator Жмурко, М.Д.
Subject 1 Philosophy. Psychology
304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)
378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Description У публікації проаналізована роль інтелектуального компоненту в духовній культурі педагогічного персоналу. Розглянуто співвідношення інтелектуальної сфери особистості з ціннісно-смисловою, вплив рівня загального інтелекту на прояв духовності. Також розглянутий соціальний інтелект, як незалежний від загального інтелекту компонент духовності, його роль в засвоєнні та передачі духовної культури.
In the publication the role of the intellectual component in the spiritual culture of the teaching staff is analyzed.
Initially, cultural and historical conditions of the birth of spiritual culture and the formation of a person as a social being, and his difference from the animal world are described. The role of primary and secondary socialization of personality is examined. Also the role and function of the teacher in this process, his mission in forming the future generation and significance of his profession for society are analyzed.
The spiritual culture of the teacher as one of the components of general professional pedagogical culture is considered. Its features such as realization of socially accepted norms, rules, values, ideals of "Beauty", "Good", "Verity" and person’s own unique sense of life are defined. Also it is shown that the intellectual component in such a case acts as a tool through which the teacher in his professional activities focuses on the ideals of humanity.
The relation of the intellectual sphere of personality with the value-semantic sphere is analyzed. The importance of using the intellect either for the benefit of society or egoistically is shown. The effect of the level of general intelligence on the manifestation of spirituality is described. Also the social intelligence, as a component of spirituality, which is independent of the general intelligence, is considered.
Finally, basing on the Bandura's theory of "social learning", the conclusion was drown that the intellectual component is important both for the assimilation of spiritual culture, and for its adequate display, reproduction and its transition to pupils.
Publisher Луганськ: Видавництво "Ноулідж"
Lugansk: Publishing House "Knowledge"
Date 2013-10-28
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
- Жмурко, М.Д. (2013) Intellectual component of the spiritual culture of pedagogical personnel Adult education: theory, experience, prospects (7). pp. 196-204. ISSN 2308-6386